(+84) 9 61 67 55 66

Types Of Business Licenses In Vietnam

Importing, exporting, Licensing for foreign contractors, distributing goods, another type of business license are business sectors to which many foreign investors pay attention. As a large outsourcing and manufacturing spot of the world, many foreign investors seek opportunities to export Vietnamese products to other markets. Simultaneously, Vietnamese consumers prefer to purchase foreign-made goods which makes this developing country becomes one of the most attractive markets in Asia. However, many foreign investors get into legal troubles, especially, the paper-things before lawfully running their business in Vietnam. One of the most confusing problems is the sub-license. For your convenience, Viet An Law Firm collects and provides some regulations relating to the Business License as follows here.


Classification to set up a construction company in Vietnam

Classification to set up a construction company in Vietnam

Classification to set up a construction company is the first step to register a new company when investing in Vietnam.
Set up a travel company in Vietnam

Set up a travel company in Vietnam

Realizing that in the coming time, more and more international travel service businesses will be established, to create conditions for companies operating in the field of travel, on October 28,…
License for retail distribution of goods of foreign-invested companies in Vietnam

License for retail distribution of goods of foreign-invested companies in Vietnam

A license for retail distribution of goods is a license issued by the Industry and Trade Agency to a foreign-invested company in Vietnam that operates the retail distribution of goods in Vietnam
Set up a company with 100% foreign capital in Ho Chi Minh City

Set up a company with 100% foreign capital in Ho Chi Minh City

Set up a company with 100% foreign capital in Ho Chi Minh City is provided the legal investment consultancy and procedure to set up a company in Vietnam.
Cases that are subject to exempt from work permits in Vietnam

Cases that are subject to exempt from work permits in Vietnam

Cases that are subject to exempt from work permits in Vietnam, Who are the cases that are subject to exempt from work permits? & Certification of exemption from work permits.
Process of granting work permits for foreign employees in VN

Process of granting work permits for foreign employees in VN

The demand for foreign workers has become popular thanks to the increase in foreign investment projects in Vietnam, the demand for services provided by foreign enterprises, and the signing of…
Conditional Investments that need a sublicense in Vietnam

Conditional Investments that need a sublicense in Vietnam

Before starting a business, Investors not only do research on the market, input and output for their products/services, human recources…but also learn about
Promotional activities in Vietnam

Promotional activities in Vietnam

During commercial activities, promotion is considered as a tool attracting customers and increase sales and revenues and bring more benefits to the company
Business License of foreign enterprises in Vietnam

Business License of foreign enterprises in Vietnam

Importing, exporting and distributing goods are business sectors to which many foreign investors pay attention. As a large outsourcing and manufacturing spot of the world
Establishment of foreign-invested travel company

Establishment of foreign-invested travel company

Establishment of foreign-invested travel company according the Law on Tourism 2017, the Law on Enterprise 2020, the Law on Investment 2020...


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