(+84) 9 61 67 55 66

Types Of Business Licenses In Vietnam

Importing, exporting, Licensing for foreign contractors, distributing goods, another type of business license are business sectors to which many foreign investors pay attention. As a large outsourcing and manufacturing spot of the world, many foreign investors seek opportunities to export Vietnamese products to other markets. Simultaneously, Vietnamese consumers prefer to purchase foreign-made goods which makes this developing country becomes one of the most attractive markets in Asia. However, many foreign investors get into legal troubles, especially, the paper-things before lawfully running their business in Vietnam. One of the most confusing problems is the sub-license. For your convenience, Viet An Law Firm collects and provides some regulations relating to the Business License as follows here.


Reissue retail alcohol license in Vietnam

Reissue retail alcohol license in Vietnam

Currently, consumers have a great demand for retail alcohol products. According to the law, businesses are required to have a retail alcohol license to do business, which is one of…
Reissue Alcohol Wholesale License in Vietnam

Reissue Alcohol Wholesale License in Vietnam

Wholesale alcohol is one of the most popular and commonly businesses by traders. In order for the wholesale alcohol to take place smoothly, traders need to understand the relevant regulations…
Guide on Reissue International Travel Business License in Vietnam

Guide on Reissue International Travel Business License in Vietnam

International travel service business is a conditional business activity that must be conducted by enterprises granted an International Travel Business License. In many cases, enterprises need to proceed with the…
Reissue alcohol distribution license in Vietnam

Reissue alcohol distribution license in Vietnam

In the process of business development, traders always try to best meet the needs of consumers, as well as develop a variety of products of their products. Currently, the import…
Reissue license to sell alcohol for on-site consumption in Vietnam

Reissue license to sell alcohol for on-site consumption in Vietnam

On-site sale of consumer alcohol is a business that is popular and used by traders. Revolving around the sale of alcohol for on-site consumption, traders need to understand the relevant…
Postal license in Vietnam

Postal license in Vietnam

Postal service business license (Postal license) is only issued to businesses that meet the conditions for postal service business including capital conditions and other specific conditions. Once a postal license…
Issue license for provision of postal services within the province in Vietnam

Issue license for provision of postal services within the province in Vietnam

Provision of postal services within the province  means the provision of postal services in a province or city directly under the Central Government or higher. An enterprise providing mail services…
Issue International Travel Business License in Vietnam

Issue International Travel Business License in Vietnam

Realizing that there will be more and more international travel service enterprises established, in order to create conditions for companies operating in the field  of travel, on October 28th  2021,…
Reissue alcohol business license in Vietnam

Reissue alcohol business license in Vietnam

Alcohol is a commonly used product in life, and it is also one of the commodity products when trading requires a license. Understanding and grasping relevant regulations on alcohol business…
Issue food safety eligibility certification in Vietnam

Issue food safety eligibility certification in Vietnam

Individuals, organizations and enterprises engaged in the production and trading of food and food service need to apply for food safety eligibility certification. In addition, to production facility, this is…


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