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Trademark registration in Qatar

Trademark registration in Qatar requires careful navigation of the country’s legal framework and administrative procedures. Located on the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar possesses a favorable geographical location, easy access to important markets in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. It is an ideal destination for trade and investment activities, helping to attract foreign businesses and promote economic diversification. Qatar’s economy in recent years has been prominent and attracted foreign investment. Qatar is known as a “gas paradise” with the world’s third-largest natural gas reserves, accounting for more than 5% of global reserves. Oil is also an important resource, contributing significantly to the national budget. The exploitation and export of these resources brings a huge source of income, enabling Qatar to invest in other areas and improve the lives of its citizens. Qatar has invested heavily in infrastructure construction over the years, including transportation systems, seaports, airports, industrial parks, free economic zones, etc. Modern and synchronous infrastructure system facilitates business activities, attracts foreign investment and promotes economic growth. The Qatari Government has issued many preferential policies, creating a favorable business environment for domestic and foreign investors. These policies include corporate income tax exemption, tariff reduction, personal income tax exemption for foreigners … As a result, Qatar attracts a lot of investment capital from all over the world, contributing to promoting economic development. To be able to distinguish your brand from other competitors, businesses need to pay attention to trademark registration procedures. Viet An Law would like to guide customers preliminarily through the procedures for trademark registration in Qatar through the article below.

Trademark registration in Vietnam

Table of contents


    Legal basis

    • Law No. 9 of 2002 on Trademarks, Trade Names, Geographical Indications and Industrial Designs

    Definition of “trademark” in Qatar

    Trademarks in Qatar are generally understood as markings used to distinguish a company’s goods or services from other companies in the market. These signs may include:

    • Words (including name, slogan)
    • Letters or numbers
    • Pictures or drawings
    • Shapes (including 3D shapes)
    • Sound
    • Color (single or combined)
    • Combine any of the factors listed above

    Purpose of trademark registration in Qatar

    • Identification and distinction: Allows consumers to easily identify and distinguish the origin of goods or services.
    • Prevent confusion: Prevent competitors from using similar signs that may mislead consumers.
    • Trademark reputation protection: Ensure the quality and reputation associated with the trademark.

    Conditions for trademark registration in Qatar

    To register a trademark in Qatar, the applicant’s trademark needs to meet the following conditions:

    • Distinctive features: The trademark must be able to distinguish the applicant’s goods or services from those of other companies. This means that the trademark must be unique and unlike any other registered trademark.
    • Do not infringe the rights of third parties: A trademark must not infringe a third party’s intellectual property rights, such as:
    • Not identical or too similar to another party’s registered trademark.
    • Do not use emblems, badges, insignia or emblems of the State, municipalities or other organizations without permission.
    • Don’t use someone else’s name or image without consent.
    • Not immoral: Trademarks must not contain objectionable content, contrary to fine customs and customs.
    • Visual representation: Trademarks must be able to be represented visually in a clear and precise manner. This means that the applicant’s trademark must be able to be depicted with a picture or symbol so that the authorities can accurately identify the protected object.

    Types of trademarks that can be registered in Qatar

    Traditional brands:

    • Words: Include the name, slogan, or any combination of words that serves as an identifying mark for the applicant’s goods or services.
    • Letters or numbers: Unique combinations of letters, abbreviations, or numbers may be registered as trademarks if they have the function of identifying the applicant’s trademark.
    • Images or drawings: Logos, symbols or any unique graphic images can be registered as trademarks.

    Non-traditional trademarks:

    • Shapes (including 3D shapes): The unique shape of the product or the applicant’s packaging can be considered a trademark, as long as it is unique and not just functional.
    • Sound: A short piece of music, a slogan, or other unique sound attached to an applicant’s trademark may be registered as a trademark.
    • Color (single or combined): A specific color or unique color combination can be considered a trademark, for example the red color of the sole of a Louboutin shoe.
    • Combine the above elements: The owner can combine different elements such as words, logos and colors to create a unique brand.

    Trademark dossier in Qatar

    Applicant Information:

    • Applicant name and address: The legal name and full contact information of the applicant, including phone number and email.
    • Type of applicant: Indicates whether the applicant is an individual, company, or other legal entity. (Examples: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, etc.)

    Trademark Information:

    • Images that represent trademarks: These can be image files (JPEG, PNG) or a clear and detailed description of the trademark (lettering, logo, design, etc.).
    • Class of goods and services: A clear and specific list of the goods or services the applicant intends to use the trademark. Applicants can use the International Classification of Goods and Services (also called the Nice Classification for goods and the Vienna Classification for services) for ease of reference. These classification systems classify products and services, making it easier for the Trademark Office to review an applicant’s application.

    After having all the information, the applicant needs to fill out the trademark registration form

    • Usage Statement (Optional): If the applicant has started using the trademark in Qatar, the applicant can submit a statement of use with evidence (e.g. product packaging, marketing materials) to potentially expedite the registration process.
    • Authorization (Optional): If the applicant files through an attorney or intellectual property representative, the applicant needs to provide Authorization to file on the applicant’s behalf.

    How to file a trademark application in Qatar

    To file for trademark protection in Qatar, you can apply by the following filing methods:

    • Direct submission: Customers can come directly to the National Office of Intellectual Property at Lussail City, P.O. Box 1968, Doha, Qatar to submit the application and related documents.
    • By Post: You can send your application form and all required documents via postal service or courier service to the address of the National Office of Intellectual Property, Lussail City, P.O. Box 1968, Doha, Qatar.

    Qatar participates in the Madrid System

    On 3 May 2024, the Government of Qatar sent its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol – the Governing Treaty of the Madrid System – to WIPO Director-General Daren Tang. Qatar is the 115th member of the Madrid System.

    This entry further strengthens the Madrid System as a practical and effective solution for brand protection worldwide. Now, national trademark owners in four of the six Gulf Cooperation Council countries — Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — can use the Madrid System to secure cross-border protection for their brands.

    The Madrid Protocol will enter into force in Qatar on August 3, 2024.

    What it means to join the Madrid System

    If you are a trademark owner in Qatar and have – or have applied for – the registration of a national trademark through the Intellectual Property Office under the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Qatar, you will be able to use the Madrid System to seek the protection of your trademark in up to 130 countries at the same time,  by submitting only one international application, in one language (English, French or Spanish) and paying only a single fee, in one currency (Swiss Franc);

    If you are a trademark owner of any other Madrid System member state, you will be able to seek your overseas trademark rights in Qatar; and

    If you are already the owner of an international trademark registration, you will be able to extend its protection to Qatari protection.

    Trademark registration service in Qatar of Viet An Law Firm

    • Carry out the search and notify customers in writing of the results of the trademark search in Qatar;
    • Draft the dossier and directly file and monitor the status of the trademark application in Qatar on behalf of the trademark owner;
    • Inform, advise and handle deficiencies/refusals of competent State agencies (if any) in the process of monitoring trademark applications in Qatar;
    • Assist in monitoring, representing the resolution of objections and responding to intellectual property representatives carrying out procedures in Qatar.
    • Receive dispatches, certificates and hand over to customers (if any).

    If you want to file a trademark application in Qatar, please contact Viet An Law Firm for the most effective support.

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    English speaking: (+84) 9 61 57 18 18 - Lawyer Dong Van Thuc ( Alex) (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)

    Vietnamese speaking: (+84) 9 61 37 18 18 - Dr. Lawyer Do Thi Thu Ha (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)