(+84) 9 61 67 55 66

Trademark registration for mineral Water product in Vietnam

Water is an extremely important resource, it helps humans and organisms to maintain life. Water accounts for 60-70% of the human body, so it is important and necessary to supplement and adequately hydrate the body. In addition to the use of boiled drinking water, today people often use a variety of bottled water products because of their convenience and hygiene. There are several mineral water brands chosen by a large number of consumers in Vietnam such as Lavie, Vinh Hao, Aquafina…. For businesses wishing to enter this market, they need to register for trademark insurance to increase product value and create a reputation for businesses when they want to compete with famous brands. For the trademark registration procedures, the following process can be found:

Mineral Water Products Trademarks Registration in Vietnam

Draft and Submit trademark registration dossier:

A trademark registration application includes:

  • A trademark sample with dimensions bigger than 3 x 3 cm and smaller than 8 x 8 cm;
  • A list of goods/services intended to register: Mineral water products are classified in class 32 according to the Nice Classification. (Notes: class 32 does not include mineral water for medical purposes);
  • A trademark registration declaration (if customers authorize Viet An Law to submit, this declaration will be signed by the representative of Viet An Law);
  • A power of attorney;
  • Receipts of fee payments.

Application process stage:

The Intellectual Property office only accepts applications when all the required documents are available. Upon receiving the application, the Intellectual Property Office will check the application document and receive the application or refuse to receive the application / send a refusal notice to receive the application. In case of denial of the application, the applicant will be refunded the paid fees. 

  • Form appraisal (1-2 months): The Intellectual Property will consider the validity of the application (the types of necessary documents; classification and classifying the object stated in the application; the right to apply;…) …) and issue a notice to accept as a valid application or a notice to refuse to accept a valid application (if the applicant does not correct errors in the application); 
  • Publish the application on the gazette: The trademark registration application is published within two months from the date the application is accepted as a valid application and the applicant must pay the application publication fee.
  • Content appraisal (09 – 12 months): Purposes of content appraisal of the application are to evaluate the ability of the object stated in the application to be protected under the protection conditions, and to determine the corresponding protection coverage. During the content appraisal, the Intellectual Property Office may request the applicant to explain the contents of the application and provide information within the nature of the object stated in the application.
  • Grant and Publish the protection title (01 – 02 months): Trademark registration certificates will be valid from the date of issue until the end of 10 years from the date of applying. At the end of the validity period, the owner can extend the title for an additional 10 years (with an unlimited number of times) and must pay a fee.

For any information related to trademark registration in Vietnam  for products and services, please contact Viet An Law for the most specific and detailed advice, if you like to do the trademark renewals, copyright, patent, industrial design registration. Please send us an email to request Viet An Law Firm’s legal service.

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