Before conducting trademark registration, businesses should carry out trademark look-up procedures. The search for the trademark is to determine the possibility to register the trademark in comparison with other registered trademarks at the Intellectual Property Office, next, trademark owners shall decide whether or not to register the trademark that has been searched. The search for a trademark also helps determine the possibility for the trademark to be granted protection title. If it is determined that a trademark is not likely to be granted the protection title, the owner should consider an amendment to be granted protection title which is to avoid wasting time but without achieving the expected results of the owners.
To conduct trademark look-up, individuals/ enterprises only need to provide Viet An Law Firm with the following documents:
Viet An Law Firm will consult and preliminary search for free (free of charge for this step) for customers. In case, clients would like to do an intensive search to evaluate the highest possibility to grant a trademark registration certificate, Viet An Law Firm will conduct an intensive search.
When conducting trademark look-up and registration, one of the very important decisions to do by clients is to choose the consultancy unit, obviously, only the intellectual property representatives units who are professional and experienced units to consult, evaluate the best eligibility to register trademarks as well as solve problems arising related to the objection to trademark registration applications, rejection of trademark applications of customers during the process of applying for Trademark registration in Vietnam.
Viet An Law Firm: Vietnam intellectual property agent, Ip lawyers in Vietnam, please email:
In Hanoi: (+84) 9 61 67 55 66
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In Hochiminh: (+84) 9 61 67 55 66
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