On June 29, 2024, the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly passed the amended Law on Social Insurance in Vietnam. The Law takes effect from July 1, 2025. The 2024 Law on Social Insurance consists of 11 chapters and 141 articles (an increase of 2 chapters and 16 articles compared to the current Law on Social Insurance). The Law on Social Insurance is the main legal basis regulating the social insurance regime. In the article below, Viet An Law will outline the notable contents of the lastest Vietnam Law on Social Insurance 2024.
Table of contents
Compulsory social insurance is a type of social insurance organized by the State in which employees and employers who are subject to compulsory social insurance must participate. The compulsory nature of compulsory social insurance is shown through: subjects of participation, premium levels and payment methods, and benefits.
Employees who are Vietnamese citizens and are subject to compulsory social insurance include those subject to Clause 1 and Clause 2, Article 2 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024. They can be generalized into the following main groups of subjects:
One of the new points in Article 2 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024 is the regulation to expand the subjects participating in compulsory social insurance to: Business household owners (with business registration); Part-time workers in villages and residential groups similar to part-time workers at the commune level; Business managers, controllers, representatives of state capital;…
Voluntary social insurance is a type of social insurance organized by the State in which Vietnamese citizens voluntarily participate and can choose the contribution level and payment method suitable to their income.
Accordingly, subjects participating in voluntary social insurance include:
Types and regimes of social insurance according to Article 4 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024 include:
Social retirement benefits include the following:
This is a new regime added according to the provisions of the Social Insurance Law 2024. Accordingly, social retirement benefits are a type of social insurance guaranteed by the State budget, built on the basis of inheriting and partly developing from the regulations on monthly social allowances for the elderly without pensions or monthly social insurance benefits.
Compulsory social insurance has the following regimes:
Voluntary social insurance has the following benefits:
Thus, compared to compulsory social insurance, the voluntary social insurance regime does not have occupational disease and sickness regimes. The new point of the 2024 Law is to add maternity regime to the voluntary social insurance policy to increase the attractiveness of the voluntary social insurance policy, attracting people (especially young workers) to participate in voluntary social insurance.
Note: Although the occupational accident and disease insurance regime is a social insurance regime, the Social Insurance Law 2024 does not directly regulate it, but this regime is subject to the regulation of the Law on Labor Safety and Hygiene 2015.
For Employees: The monthly contribution is mainly 8% of the salary used as the basis for compulsory social insurance contributions to the pension and death fund, except for some cases where the monthly contribution is 22% of the salary to the pension and death fund, and the monthly contribution is 3% of the salary to the sickness and maternity fund.
For Employers: The monthly contribution level for compulsory social insurance is calculated based on the salary used as the basis for compulsory social insurance contribution as follows:
Voluntary social insurance participants pay 22% of their monthly income as the basis for voluntary social insurance contributions to the pension and survivorship allowance fund.
Voluntary social insurance participants can choose one of the following payment methods: Monthly; Every 3 months; Every 6 months; Every 12 months; One time.
The contents of the compulsory social insurance regime are stipulated in Chapter V of the Law on Social Insurance 2024. Specifically, it includes the following main contents:
The subjects entitled to sick leave when taking leave fall into one of the following cases:
Note that employees are not entitled to sick leave if they fall under the cases specified in Clause 2, Article 42 of the Law on Social Insurance.
Subjects are entitled to maternity benefits when falling into one of the following cases:
Employees who have paid compulsory social insurance for 15 years or more when retiring are entitled to receive a pension if they fall into one of the following cases:
Thus, the Social Insurance Law 2024 has reduced the minimum number of years of social insurance contributions to receive a pension from 20 to 15 years. Reducing the minimum number of years of social insurance contributions to receive a pension from 20 to 15 years will increase the opportunity to receive a pension for more people, especially those who participate in social insurance late.
The monthly pension of eligible subjects is calculated as follows:
In addition, male workers with a social insurance payment period of more than 35 years and female workers with a social insurance payment period of more than 30 years will, in addition to their pension, receive a lump-sum allowance upon retirement. The lump-sum allowance for each year of higher payment is equal to 0.5 times the average salary used as the basis for social insurance payment for each year of higher payment up to retirement age.
The beneficiaries of the survivorship allowance of a deceased social insurance participant are relatives; heirs; organizations and individuals responsible for the burial, depending on each subject.
Accordingly, the benefits of the funeral allowance include:
The contents of the voluntary social insurance regime are stipulated in Chapter VI of the Law on Social Insurance 2024. Specifically, it includes the following main contents:
The beneficiaries of maternity benefits can be female workers giving birth or male workers whose wives give birth.
If employees voluntarily participate in social insurance when giving birth and meet the conditions (paying social insurance for at least 6 months within 12 months before giving birth), the maternity allowance is 2,000,000 VND for each child born and each fetus from 22 weeks old or older that dies in the womb or dies during labor. This is a new regulation that appears for the first time in the Law on Social Insurance.
Voluntary social insurance participants are entitled to pension when they reach retirement age as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 169 of the Labor Code and have paid social insurance for 15 years or more, then they are eligible to receive pension under the voluntary social insurance regime.
Compared with the retirement regime of compulsory social insurance, the retirement regime of voluntary social insurance has some differences as follows:
Unlike the survivorship allowance of compulsory social insurance, the survivorship allowance of voluntary social insurance only provides a lump-sum survivorship allowance, not a monthly survivorship allowance. Accordingly, relatives of people who are participating in voluntary social insurance or are reserving their social insurance payment period or are receiving a pension or are temporarily suspending their pension when they die will receive a lump-sum survivorship allowance.
According to Article 111 of the Social Insurance Law 2024, the retirement regime and survivorship allowance regime for people who have both compulsory social insurance and voluntary social insurance payment periods are stipulated as follows:
Above are the notable contents of the lastest Vietnam Law on Social Insurance 2024. If you have any related questions or need advice on social insurance regulations, please contact Viet An Law for the best advice and support!