Termination of trademark certificate in Vietnam
Nowadays, there are a lot of registered trademarks which are granted protection title (often called as the Registered Trademark Certificate). However, for some reasons, trademark owners do not use their trademark.
This is a popular situation, especially for international trademark registration with is valid in Vietnam. This could badly effect on other entities, who wish to register identical or similar trademark for business development in Vietnam.
Is there any way to solve this problem and chance for others to register and use trademark effectively?
The answer is yes! According to Article 95 of the Law on Intellectual Property, one of the grounds to terminate the protection title of trademark is: “The mark has not been used by its owner or the licensee of the owner without justifiable reason for five (5) consecutive years prior to a request for termination of validity, except where use is commenced or resumed at least three (3) months before the request for termination”.
What are the procedures to register protected trademark but not being used for a long time?
Viet An Law Firm is an experienced law firm can help clients in collecting evidences, documents to prove which trademark has not been used for 5 consecutive years and above and represent for clients to require termination of protection title at the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam. Some information about termination of trademark protection title clients need to know:
Viet An Law Firm will represent for clients to conduct trademark investigation to prove that required to be termination of trademark has not been used in Vietnam for 5 consecutive years.
Authorized body: Vietnam Industry and Trade Information Center – Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Investigation duration: 7 – 10 working days.
Viet An Law Firm is an organization acting as a representative of intellectual property rights. By being authorized with a power of attorney from clients, Viet An Law Firm will represent for clients to collect documents, prepare and submit dossiers and answer the National Office of Intellectual Property.
Submit dossier at: the National Office of Intellectual Property
If clients have any concerns about termination of the registered trademark certificate in Vietnam, please feel free to contact Viet An Law Firm to get our advice!
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In Hochiminh: (+84) 9 61 67 55 66
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