(+84) 9 61 57 18 18

Tax service in Vietnam

Tax services play a crucial role in ensuring the transparency and compliance of business operations in Vietnam. Tax accountants are responsible for fulfilling a company’s tax reporting and payment obligations, thereby mitigating tax-related risks and facilitating a more streamlined business environment. This role requires not only specialized knowledge and a strong grasp of tax regulations but also extensive practical experience and acute problem-solving skills to navigate the diverse challenges that may arise, particularly for the vast majority of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. Many newly established businesses, however, lack seasoned tax accounting expertise and struggle to stay up-to-date with evolving tax laws, exposing them to significant risks during tax audits and assessments conducted by the tax authorities. Based on the demand for tax services in Vietnam, Viet An Law Firm – Tax Agent provides the most reasonable package service for tax and accounting for businesses in Vietnam, especially FDI companies. Please contact us for further assistance.

Table of contents


    What is the tax agent?

    The concept of “Tax Agent” before 2018 was a new and vague concept for many businesses, but with the trend of opening up and integrating, today it is like a right-hand man for businesses, organizations, and individuals at home and abroad.

    To suit the current economic situation along with understanding and grasping the psychology of business owners with the criteria: ” Minimizing risks and costs for businesses “, Viet An Tax Agent offers tax accounting service packages to support businesses, organizations, and individuals inside and outside Vietnam with tax procedures and accounting operations such as: supporting post-establishment services, completing accounting books, representing clients to work with agencies, consulting on procedures, procedures for tax declaration and reporting, consulting on state regulations on tax, accounting, insurance, labor related to the field in which the business operates… to help clients feel secure in production and business development activities and optimize the apparatus for the business.

    Full package tax accounting service for new businesses in Vietnam

    Article 33 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019 stipulates that the first tax registration period is 10 working days from the date of issuance of the business registration certificate. After completing the establishment procedures, tax registration must be carried out with the management agency at the head office address. Viet An Tax Agent provides tax accounting services on a package or one-time basis depending on the needs of clients to optimize costs for start-up businesses. The services we are providing:

    • Initial declaration tax for new business in Vietnam: submit business license fee declaration, pay business license tax;
    • Register to exchange information with tax authorities;
    • Register for a bank account, and register for electronic tax payment;
    • Register to use electronic invoices;
    • Register fixed asset depreciation.
    • On behalf of the business, work directly with the tax authorities;
    • Explain to tax authorities the business’s arising issues;
    • Build tax records and tax books following accounting standards and legal regulations.

    Tax service in Vietnam for new businessess

    Full package tax accounting service for businesses that have been operating stably

    Not only provide services for businesses for start-up units, we are always ready to support businesses that have been operating stably. Normally, stable businesses have a tight organizational structure, including an accounting department in charge of internal accounting and tax accounting.

    Business owners always want to recruit personnel who have a deep understanding of accounting skills and operations in general and the tax field, in particular, to provide them with maximum support. “Tax Agent” will be a special staff and suitable for the needs of businesses today.

    Viet An Tax Agent with over 15 years of experience in the field of tax accounting, provides tax accounting service packages for businesses with stable production and business activities with the following specific services:

    • Consulting and completing accounting systems for businesses, consulting on how to keep accounting books and documents according to current laws;
    • Comprehensive consulting on preliminary knowledge for businesses related to value-added tax, corporate income tax, and personal income tax;
    • Consulting on financial strategy planning, balancing reasonable costs in business operations of the enterprise;
    • Review and re-check all tax records, books, and financial reports;
    • Review and check original documents and legal records of business operations;
    • Prepare tax reports and declare taxes, pay taxes for businesses;
    • Complete accounting and tax records and books for businesses;
    • Prepare year-end financial reports for the company;
    • Support and consult on financial statement auditing for businesses required to audit financial statements;
    • Work directly with tax authorities, explain tax declarations, settlements, tax inspections, etc, on behalf of the enterprise.

    Monthly and quarterly accounting services

    Many businesses want to choose a single tax accounting service package, only using tax accounting for a certain period. Because the company’s tax accounting staff is interrupted for certain reasons such as maternity leave, sick leave, and vacation, or participating in training they cannot fully perform the work related to tax accounting. To meet the necessary demands of clients, Viet An Tax Agent provides tax accounting service calls each time according to the tax declaration period under the needs of the business with the following work contents:

    • Receive invoices and documents from businesses, and advise on the reasonableness, validity, and legality of arising documents;
    • Complete documents and account for arising transactions to balance VAT, personal income tax, corporate income tax, import and export inventory, and debt situation for the enterprise;
    • Declare and submit value added tax reports;
    • Declare and submit personal income tax reports (if there is any personal income tax deduction during the period);
    • Pay provisional corporate income tax.

    Tax service for foreign traders in Vietnam

    For nearly 20 years, Viet An Law has been a leading provider of comprehensive tax advisory and compliance services to foreign businesses in Vietnam. Our team of tax experts combines deep knowledge of Vietnamese regulations with expertise in international best practices to deliver tailored solutions that optimize tax efficiency and ensure full compliance.

    Our versatile suite of tax services includes:

    Tax service for foreign traders in Vietnam

    Tax service for business in Vietnam

    Tax service for foreign individuals in Vietnam

    Viet An Law is a tax advisory firm for foreign nationals living and working in Vietnam. Our team of seasoned tax professionals combines profound expertise in Vietnamese tax regulations with a nuanced understanding of the unique needs and considerations of individual expatriates.

    Whether you are an employee, business owner, or investor, we offer a comprehensive suite of tax services tailored to support your goals and obligations in Vietnam:

    Package tax accounting service for company in Vietnam

    If your business has difficulty in declaring and performing tax procedures, please contact Viet An Tax Agent via the contact below or Hotline: (+84) 988 856 708 to receive the fastest and most accurate full package of tax accounting services!

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    Hanoi Head-office

    #3rd Floor, 125 Hoang Ngan, Hoang Ngan Plaza, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam


    Ho Chi Minh city office

    Room 04.68 vs 04.70, 4th Floor, River Gate Residence, 151 – 155 Ben Van Don Street, District 4, HCM, Viet Nam



    English speaking: (+84) 9 61 57 18 18 - Lawyer Dong Van Thuc ( Alex) (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)

    Vietnamese speaking: (+84) 9 61 37 18 18 - Dr. Lawyer Do Thi Thu Ha (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)