(+84) 9 61 67 55 66



Viet An Law Firm, a Vietnam Intellectual Property agent has been well-known by clients for a trusted legal consultancy service provider but also is a legal and reputable intellectual property representative in Vietnam.  Our Law - Ip Agent has been established and operated legally since 2007. Viet An Law Firm & Vietnam Intellectual Property Agent has provided legal consultancy service to thousands of clients with applications for trademark registrations, extension, transfer of Intellectual property rights, copyright registration, patent registration, complaints against intellectual property rights in Vietnam as well as registrations for intellectual property rights for overseas businesses.

Intellectual Property

Experiences & Expertise:

Viet An Law Firm, A Vietnam Intellectual Property Agent has helped thousands of enterprises and individuals who have won in hundreds of disputes and unfair competitions relating to enterprises’ intellectual property rights. Other hand, Viet An Ip Agent has registered successfully thousands of applications for trademark registration, copyright registration, trademark renewals, patent registration, and industrial design protection in Vietnam for previous recent decades.


Thanks to our team of experienced lawyers and consultants of intellectual property who are well-studied and professionally about Vietnam & International Intellectual Property Law. Viet An Law Firm & Intellectual Property Agent believes that we will provide the best, fastest, and effective intellectual property services for clients in Vietnam and around the world.

Trademarks are one of the most valuable intangible assets of the business. The tangible assets are buildings...

Viet An Law Firm would like to guide you in detail the notes on the renewal of trademark registration in accordance...

Copyright shall arise at the moment a works is created and fixed in a certain material form, irrespective of its content...

To obtain the patent right in Viet Nam, you must apply for granting a Patent (for Invention and Utility solution separately)...

Industrial design is the outward appearance of a product embodied in three-dimensional configuration, lines...

Commercial franchise is a commercial activity whereby franchisors permit and require franchisees to undertake...


Photo textbooks are considered copyright infringement?

Photo textbooks are considered copyright infringement?

Reproduction is the right of the copyright owner to exclusively make or authorize others to make copies of a work by any means or form, including making copies in the…
Rights of patent registration in Vietnam

Rights of patent registration in Vietnam

The legal provisions related to the right to register Industrial Property objects, including the patent registration rights in Vietnam, are one of the new points of the revised Intellectual Property…
Copyright registration in Vietnam for music works

Copyright registration in Vietnam for music works

According to Article 6 of Decree 17/2023/ND-CP, musical works specified under Point d Clause 1 Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property are works that are expressed in form…
Trademark registration in Vietnam for industrial grease

Trademark registration in Vietnam for industrial grease

Industrial grease  is a commonly used and common fuel in the industrial sector. The product is used to lubricate machinery, helping machines work better. The role of industrial grease in industry As…
Trademark registration in Vietnam for jewelry

Trademark registration in Vietnam for jewelry

Jewelry is now processed by many companies and business establishments with different qualities and designs. And in order to increase competitiveness, to help distinguish them from goods and services of other…
Copyright registration for text books in Vietnam

Copyright registration for text books in Vietnam

The teaching quality of a refresher training institution always greatly depends on the text book and materials used during the training process. Therefore, text book compilation is considered by refresher…
Confidential patent registration in Vietnam

Confidential patent registration in Vietnam

The regulation on confidential inventions was first recognized in the revised Intellectual Property Law in 2022. Accordingly, a confidential invention is an invention identified by a competent state agency asstate…
Novelty of patent registration in Vietnam

Novelty of patent registration in Vietnam

Besides inventive nature and industrial applicability, one of the conditions for granting patent registration certification is that the invention must be novel. Criteria for novelty of patent registration in Vietnam…
Trademark registration in Vietnam from descriptive signs

Trademark registration in Vietnam from descriptive signs

According to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, a descriptive sign is not capable of distinguishing when registering a trademark. Due to the inability to distinguish, the trademark registration…
Classification version 2023 of patent registration in Vietnam

Classification version 2023 of patent registration in Vietnam

On December 27, 2022, the NOIP issued Notice No. 11220/TB-SHTT dated December 20, 2022 on the uniform application of the International Classification of Inventions (under the Strasbourg Agreement) version 2023.01.…


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