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Game Script Content Approval service in Vietnam

Currently, there are more than 900 game titles that have been approved for the content of G1 online video games in Vietnam by the Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information. The procedure for approving for game script content requires to imply with law. In the article below, Viet An Law will provide a complete Game Script Content Approval service in Vietnam.

G1 Online Game License in Vietnam

Table of contents


    What legal regulations govern the approval of game script content?

    Currently, the legal regulation governing the approval of game script content is Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP on management, provision, and use of Internet services and online information.

    It is noted that this Decree has been amended and supplemented by Decree No. 27/2018/ND-CP and Decree No. 150/2018/ND-CP.

    Types of online games in Vietnam

    Classified by the method of service provision and use, current types of online electronic games include:

    • Game G1: Electronic game with interaction between many players simultaneously through the enterprise’s game server system
    • Game G2: Electronic games that only involve interaction between players and the business’s game server system
    • Game G3: Electronic game with interaction between many players but no interaction between players and the enterprise’s game server system
    • Game G4: Electronic game downloaded over the network, with no interaction between players and between players and the enterprise’s game server system

    When do I need to get game script approval?

    According to Clause 2, Clause 3, Article 31 of Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 27/2018/ND-CP and Decree No. 150/2018/ND-CP :

    “Article 31. Principles of management of online electronic games

    2. Enterprises are allowed to provide G1 game services when they have a License to provide electronic game services and a Decision approving the content and script for each electronic game issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

    3. Enterprises are allowed to provide G2, G3, and G4 game services when they have a Certificate of registration for providing electronic game services and a notification of service provision for each electronic game.”

    Thus, when doing business in G1 games, the enterprise providing G1 game services must apply for approval of content and script. However, doing business in G2, G3, and G4 games does not have to carry out this procedure.

    Conditions for game script content approval

    Enterprises are granted a Decision approving the content and script of electronic games when they meet all of the following conditions:

    Conditions for game script content approval

    Licensed to provide electronic game services

    The license must be valid for at least 01 year.

    Video game content and script

    • Not prohibited under Clause 1, Article 5 of Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP.
    • There are no images or sounds that specifically describe acts of murder, torture, incitement of violence, bestiality, pornography, vulgarity, contrary to the traditional ethics, culture, and customs of the nation, distorting or destroying historical traditions, violating sovereignty and territorial integrity, inciting suicide, drug use, drinking, smoking, gambling, terrorism, abuse, violation, trafficking, women, children, and other harmful or prohibited acts.

    Make sure games are age-appropriate

    Video games have age ratings appropriate to the game content and scenario:

    • Video games for adults (18 years and older, marked as 18+): are games with combat activities using weapons; no pornographic activities, sounds, or images;
    • Electronic games for teenagers (12 years old and up, marked as 12+): are games with combat activities using weapons but the images of the weapons cannot be seen close-up and clearly; the sound of weapons colliding during combat is limited; there are no activities, images, sounds, characters wearing revealing clothes, pornography, close-ups that draw attention to sensitive parts of the human body;
    • Video games for all ages (denoted as 00+): are cartoon simulation games; do not contain weapon-based combat activities; do not contain ghostly, horrifying, or violent images or sounds; do not contain activities, sounds, or images of characters wearing revealing clothing, or pornographic or close-up shots that draw attention to sensitive parts of the human body.

    Receiving agency for approval of the content and script of the G1 game

    Enterprises submit 01 original set of documents requesting a decision to approve the content and script of G1 electronic games to the Ministry of Information and Communications (Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information).


    • Submit directly;
    • Submit by post;
    • Over the Internet.

    Documents that clients need to provide

    The dossier requesting approval of content and script for each G1 electronic game includes documents according to Article 32g of Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP, as amended and supplemented by Decree No. 27/2018/ND-CP and Decree No.  150/2018/ND-CP.

    Accordingly, when using the full game script content approval service of Viet An Law, clients should note that they need to provide the following documents:

    Documents to complete the application for content approval

    To complete the content approval request, Clients need to provide:

    • Business name written in Vietnamese, International transaction name
    • License to provide G1 electronic game services
    • G1 game summary description, including: game name; Game classification results by age; Language of expression; Game origin; Description of game content and scenario; Server address in Vietnam;…

    Copyright certificates and agreement documents for businesses to publish electronic games in Vietnam

    • Valid copies include copies issued from the original book or certified copies certifying legal copyright and written agreements for businesses to publish electronic games in Vietnam.
    • Certificates and agreements in foreign languages must be translated into Vietnamese and certified.

    Detailed description of the content and scenario of the video game

    Detailed description of the content and scenario of the video game including the following information:

    • Name, origin, source of video games;
    • Details of the game scenario and content; character system, quest system, map (diagram); virtual item system, virtual units, services, reward points; interactive activities, antagonistic activities between characters; fee collection method, release version;
    • Methods and results of classifying video games by age of enterprises.

    Technical solution

    The technical plan includes the following contents:

    • Specific address of the service providing equipment system and name of the business providing server hosting services (in case of server hosting rental);
    • Detailed description of player personal information management system.
    • The device records images, activities, and typical sounds in the game: Images of some character lines, images of some items and equipment for characters; images and activities of characters performing main tasks at the 5 highest levels (if any); and typical antagonistic activities between characters.

    How long does it take to process an application for game script approval?

    According to Article 32h of Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP, within 25 days from the date of receipt of valid dossiers, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall conduct an appraisal and issue a decision approving the content of the G1 electronic game script to the enterprise. In case of refusal, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue a written reply stating the reasons for refusal.

    Therefore, the processing time is within 25 days from the date of receiving valid documents. Clients should use the full game script content approval service of Viet An Law to get our advice on a valid set of documents with the fastest procedure.

    Note the fee for game script content approval

    According to Circular 290/2016/TT-BTC regulating the collection rates, collection, payment, management, and use of fees for appraisal of content and scripts of online electronic games, when submitting dossiers for appraisal of content and scripts of online electronic games, enterprises must pay appraisal fees.

    Specifically, the fee for assessing the content and script of online video games is 5,000,000 VND/dossier.

    In case the competent authority has assessed the content and script of the online electronic game but does not meet the prescribed conditions, the fee paid will not be refunded.

    Some games have been granted G1 video game script content approval in Vietnam

    Mac Huong (Titan Online)

    • Company name: Hong Ha Digital Technology Development Joint Stock Company
    • Release Version: V1.1
    • Release scope: Internet
    • Date of issue: April 7, 2023, according to Decision 582/QD-BTTTT

    World World War Heroes – Peace Warriors

    • Company name: VTC Technology and Digital Content Company
    • Release Version: V1.15
    • Release scope: mobile devices with Internet connection.
    • Date of issue: July 4, 2023 according to Decision 580/QD-BTTTT

    The Walking Dead: Survivors

    • Company name: Hong Ha Digital Technology Development Joint Stock Company
    • Release version: 9.0
    • Scope of release: Internet.
    • Date of issue: April 26 , 2023 according to Decision 719/QD-BTTTT

    Full package of game script content approval service in Vietnam of Viet An Law

    • Consulting on conditions for approval of game script content;
    • Prepare complete documents according to legal regulations;
    • Representing clients to submit documents to the Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information;
    • Work with competent authorities to amend, supplement and explain the application for approval;
    • Instruct Clients on the procedures to be followed after the Approval Decision is issued;
    • Service of applying for a license to provide electronic game services G1, G2, G3, G4.

    If you have any questions or need legal support regarding game script content approval, please contact Viet An Law’s game script content approval service for the best support!

    Updated: 8/2024

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    Hanoi Head-office

    #3rd Floor, 125 Hoang Ngan, Hoang Ngan Plaza, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam


    Ho Chi Minh city office

    Room 04.68 vs 04.70, 4th Floor, River Gate Residence, 151 – 155 Ben Van Don Street, District 4, HCM, Viet Nam



    English speaking: (+84) 9 61 57 18 18 - Lawyer Dong Van Thuc ( Alex) (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)

    Vietnamese speaking: (+84) 9 61 37 18 18 - Dr. Lawyer Do Thi Thu Ha (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)