(+84) 9 61 67 55 66

Dryer Products Trademarks Registration in Vietnam

In life, to serve the needs of daily life or to serve production, people use drying products. The use of dryer products can be used to dry hair, clothes, grains, food, or other machinery. For business entities, it is possible to register for trademark protection to increase the prestige and reputation of products.

Dryer product in Vietnam

Table of contents


    A trademark registration application includes:

    • A trademark sample with dimensions bigger than 3 x 3 cm and smaller than 8 x 8 cm;
    • A list of goods/services intended to register; 

    Note: Law requires that goods and services need to be classified according to the Nice Classification. Accordingly, dryer products are under class 11.

    • A trademark registration declaration (if customers authorize Viet An Law to submit, this declaration will be signed by the representative of Viet An Law);
    • A power of attorney;
    • Receipts of fee payments.

    Note: The trademark registration fee will be calculated based on the number of groups and products in each group classified in the application.

    Before applying, customers can perform a trademark search to assess the possibility of registration. This is an optional procedure but should be implemented to soon have appropriate amendment options, to avoid the NOIP’s refusal to grant a protection title.

    Process of trademark registration application:

    • Form appraisal (1-2 months)
    • Publish the application on the gazette
    • Content appraisal (09 – 12 months)
    • Grant and Publish the protection title (01 – 02 months)

    The owner may use trademarks through the following acts:

    • Affix protected trademarks on goods, goods packages, means of business, means of services, documents of transactions in business activities;
    • Circulate, offer for sale, advertise for sale, stockpiling for sale of goods bearing the protected mark;
    • Import of goods and services bearing the protected mark.  

    Viet An Law provides legal services for trademark registration:

    • Advice on procedures and conditions for trademark registration in Vietnam;
    • Advies on the strongest possibility to register;
    • A preliminary search on trademark registration;
    • Search for the trademark at the Intellectual Property office – independent cost;
    • Represent for customers in the whole process;
    • Draft the registration dossier;
    • Submit and track the process, appraisal at the Intellectual Property office;
    • Represent customers in the process and discuss with the Intellectual Property office about trademark registration.

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