In the process of submitting a trademark registration application, in cases a trademark registration application must be modified when there is an error in the form, content or the applicant has a change in address, name of the applicant,…. That means the trademark registration applications need to be carried out procedures for modifying trademark registration application at the Intellectual Property office.
Time limit for reviewing a request for amendment of trademark registration application: 02 months
Applicants can choose between a handwritten application form or an online application through the Intellectual Property office’s online public service portal, specifically:
Handwritten application method
Applicants may submit a request for amendment of the application in person or by host to one of the Intellectual Property’s application receiving locations, specifically:
Online application method
Conditions for online application method: Applicants need to have digital certificates and digital signatures, register an account on the Online Application Processing System and have an account approved by the Intellectual Property office to perform industrial property registration transactions.
Online application process: The applicant needs to declare and submit a request for amendment of the application on the Intellectual Property office’s online application receiving system, after completing the declaration and submitting the application on the Online Application Reception System, system will send back the online submission confirmation form.
Within 01 month from the date of submission of the online application, the applicant must go to one of the Intellectual Property office’s application-receiving agencies on working days during business hours to present the certificate of direct submission route and accompanying documents (if have) and pay the prescribed fee/charge.
If the documents and fees/charges are sufficient as prescribed, the receiving officer will issue the application number to the declaration on the Online Application Reception System, if there are insufficient documents and fees/charges as prescribed, the application will be rejected.
In case the applicant fails to complete the required application procedure, the online document will be terminated and publish the Online Document Cancellation Notice. This notice is sent to the applicant on the Online Application Reception System.
These above are the cases in which an application for trademark registration needs modifying and the procedures and steps to be taken to register the amendment with the Intellectual Property office that the Viet An Law – Viet An Intellectual Property Representative sends to customers to reference.
Viet An Law – Vietnam Intellectual property Firm will notify customers and give advices so that customers can complete and submit their application as soon as possible. Viet An Law would like to provide customers with the best trademark registration & Trademark renewal service.
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