In Vietnam, the trademark registration procedure is applied according to the principle of “first to file”, the application for trademark registration will be given priority to the first trademark registrant. Except, the “first to file” principle will not apply to well-known and widely accepted trademarks. However, in order to identify a trademark that is widely accepted, the trademark owner must prove that his trademark is well known and widely recognized. An intellectual property representative in Vietnam – Viet An Law Firm sends to customers the procedures for trademark registration in Vietnam as follows:
Step 1: Look up the trademark
Look up trademarks in Vietnam usually takes time from 01-03 days.
The reason that customers need to perform searching procedures before applying for trademark registration is:
The procedure for trademark registration in Vietnam is done according to the group of goods and services of the Nitrogen Classification. Therefore, customers expected to register the trademark for any group of products or services that need to look up the trademark within the related groups of goods and services.
To look up trademarks, customers provide Viet An Law Firm with the following information:
Fee for looking up trademarks in Vietnam / for 01 brand / 01 group of goods and services:
Category | State fee: USD | Lawyer fee: USD |
Lookup fee 01 brand / 01 group | —– | 35 |
Excluding 5% VAT and bank transfer fee |
Step 2: Apply foreign trademark registration in Vietnam
Documents that customers need to prepare to apply for trademark registration:
The process of filing trademark registration in Vietnam:
Filing a trademark application:
Right on the day after Viet An Law submits a trademark registration application at the Vietnam Intellectual Property Department (NOIP), Viet An Law will transfer customers the application declaration form with the application number and date of filing the trademark registration application in Viet Nam. (The application is then accepted legally – the filing date will be the priority date of the trademark application).
Time limit for formality examination: 01 month from the filing date.
The National Office of Intellectual Property will consider applications that are eligible in form, label, application owner, filing right, grouping, …
If the application of the enterprise meets the conditions, the National Office of Intellectual Property shall notify the acceptance of a valid application and publish the application.
If the application of the enterprise does not meet the conditions, the National Office of Intellectual Property will issue a Notice of disapproval of the application and request the enterprise to amend it. Enterprises make amendments as required and submit revised documents to the National Office of Intellectual Property.
Duration for publication of trademark registration application: 02 months from the date of notification of acceptance of a valid application.
Contents of publication of trademark registration applications are information related to valid applications stated in notices on acceptance of valid applications, trademark samples and lists of accompanied goods and services.
Time limit for substantive examination: 09 months from the date of publication of the application.
National Office of Intellectual Property shall take the requirements of registration for trademark into account and evaluate the ability of issuing protection title for registering company.
If the registration form meets all the requirements, National Office of Intellectual Property will release the announcement of intention of issuing protection title for the trademark which company has registered.
If the registration form is unqualified with the requirements, National Office of Intellectual Property will make an announcement of not issuing protection title for the trademark which companies has registered. The company, then considers and sends the answer, the complaint against the National Office of Intellectual Property’s decision and simultaneously provides evidences to prove the ability of issuing protection title for the company’ goods, services.
Step 3: Issue the certificate of trademark registration
Time limit for granting trademark registration certificate: within 02-03 months from the date of payment of fees and charges.
After the decision of issuing protection title is released, Viet An Law Firm shall have information to clients to pay fees and charges and transfer the protection title to clients.
According to the experience of Viet An Law Firm, the time for trademark registration usually lasts about 12-18 months from the time of accepting the valid application.
Application fee for trademark registration and fee for granting a trademark registration certificate in Vietnam:
Category | State fee: USD | Lawyer fee: USD |
Registration fee of 01 brand / 01 group of maximum 06 products / services | 45 | 70 |
Fee for the 7th product increased in 01 group (if any) | 7 | 5 |
Fee for enjoying priority rights (if any) | 30 | 40 |
Fee for granting a registration certificate of 01 brand / 01 group | 20 | 30 |
Total registration fee and certification for 01 brands / 01 group (without claiming priority rights) | 165 | |
Excluding 5% VAT and bank transfer fee |
(Those fees are not included in the above mentioned trademark registration fee.)
Issues related to objections of foreign trademark applications in Vietnam
In the process of filing a trademark application in Vietnam, the application may be protested by a third party. Depending on the specific case, the trademark application may be extended from 08-12 months.
A reputable and long-term Intellectual Property representative operating in Viet An, Viet An Law Firm believes that we will provide the best trademark registration service with the most reasonable cost for businesses and individuals who need to register their trademarks in Vietnam. We regularly update and notify the application owner, the representative partner in foreign countries of the examination of trademark registration applications in Vietnam.
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