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Trademark registration for chain stores

Currently, opening chain stores is a trend of traders to increase profits, create customer networks  and so on. Therefore, in the fierce competition of the market, it is important to protect the trademark for chain stores.

Currently, there are no specific provisions on trademark registration for chain stores, but Vietnamese law does not prohibit or restrict this. Therefore, using a trademark for a chain of stores does not violate the provisions of intellectual property law. However, the condition is that this mark has been registered and granted a trademark protection certificate by the National Office of Intellectual Property for products and services that the business does.

For example: A certificate of registration of a trademark for supermarket, wholesale or retail services can be used for a company’s store chain. According to the trademark registration subheading of heading 35. In case the enterprise deals in specific products and services when registering a trademark for the parent company, the stores will automatically use the trademark of the parent company in the business process for its products or services.

For example, Kampong restaurant registers a trademark for group 43: catering business, all Kampong shops use this brand.

The process and procedure for trademark registration is similar to the normal process of trademark registration.

Please refer to the trademark registration process at the following link:


All information related to trademark registration through customer representatives, please contact Viet An Law Firm for detailed advice!

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