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The fee for copyright registration in Vietnam

Copyright registration fee is the fee that the work owner and author will have to submit to the registration agency when conducting copyright registration procedures. In the article below, Viet An Law will provide information about the fee for copyright registration in Vietnam for your reference.

The fee for copyright registration

Legal basis

  • Law on Intellectual Property 2005, as amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, 2022;
  • Decree 17/2023/ND-CP details a number of articles and measures to enforce copyright and related rights.

What is copyright registration in Vietnam?

Copyright registration is when the author or owner of a work submits documents to the Copyright Office to issue a Copyright Registration Certificate for the work to record information about the author and work.

Copyright registration is when the author or owner of a work submits documents to the Copyright Office to issue a Copyright Registration Certificate for the work to record information about the author and work.

Benefits from copyright registration

When registering a copyright for your work, the benefits that the owner and author will receive will be huge. Specifically:

  • Registration helps authors and owners easily exploit the personal and property rights of authors and copyright owners recognized by law;
  • Registration will help authors and owners prove their legal rights when a dispute arises with another party, providing a basis for competent authorities to apply civil, administrative, and criminal regime against acts of copyright infringement;
  • Registration in Vietnam for literary and artistic works also helps authors and owners of works to be protected according to international treaties to which Vietnam is a member, meaning they are not only protected within the territory. Vietnam but also protected in the territories of member countries of other conventions;

From the above benefits, it can be seen that copyright registration is very important and necessary for a work.

Copyright registration procedures in Vietnam

Copyright registration procedures are carried out according to the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the type of work to register

After completing the work, the owner and author determine the genre of the work intended to be copyrighted.

Step 2: Prepare and draft copyright registration dossier

After determining the type of work intended to be copyrighted, the owner and author of the work will proceed to draft the copyright registration dossier according to regulations.

Step 3: Submit copyright registration application

Submit directly to the Copyright Office at the following addresses:

  • Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, City. Hanoi.
  • Representative office in Ho Chi Minh City: No. 170 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh.
  • Representative office in Da Nang City: No. 58 Phan Chu Trinh, Hai Chau District, Da Nang city.

Submit by mail to the following addresses: Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, City. Hanoi.

Submit online: Online public service portal: http://dichvucong.gov.vn/

Step 4: The Copyright Office examines and grants the Certificate

  • Within 01 month from the date of receipt of the submitted application and valid acceptance by the Copyright Office, the Copyright Office shall grant a Copyright Registration Certificate to the applicant. If the documents are missing or have errors that need to be corrected, the Copyright Office will notify the applicant.
  • In case of refusal, the Copyright Office must notify the applicant in writing.

Organizations and individuals have a maximum period of 01 month from the date of receipt of the notice to amend and supplement documents, except in the case of force majeure events or objective obstacles as prescribed by law. In case the organization or individual does not amend or supplement the dossier or has amended or supplemented the dossier but the dossier is still invalid, the competent state agency shall return the dossier to the organization or individual;

How to apply for copyright registration in Vietnam?

  • Authors, copyright owners, and related rights owners can directly submit copyright registration documents.
  • Through the Intellectual Property Representative Organization, apply for copyright registration.

Works can be registered copyright in Vietnam

According to the latest regulations in Article 6 of Decree No. 17/2023/ND-CP guiding the implementation of the Intellectual Property Law, the types of works are specified as follows:

  • Literary, scientific works, textbooks, course books, and other works are expressed through writing or other characters.
  • Sermons, speeches, and other discourses are works expressed in spoken language and must be shaped into a certain material form.
  • A journalistic work is a work with independent content and complete structure.
  • A musical work is a work expressed in the form of musical notes in a score or other musical characters regardless of whether it is performed or not.
  • Theatrical works are works of the performing arts type.
  • A cinematographic work is a work whose content is expressed by continuously moving images or images created by technical and technological devices; with or without sound and other effects according to the principles of cinematic language. Images taken from a cinematographic work are part of that cinematographic work.
  • Cinematographic works do not include video recordings for the purpose of disseminating news on radio, television, or cyberspace services; performing arts programs, video games; a visual recording of the activities of one or more people, depicting actual events, situations, or programs.
  • A work of fine art is a work expressed by lines, colors, shapes, and layouts.
  • A work of applied art is a work expressed by lines, colors, shapes, and layouts with useful features, which can be attached to a useful object, produced manually or industrially.
  • A photographic work is a work that represents an objective image of the world on a light-catching material or on a medium on which the image is created, or can be created by chemical, electronic, or technical methods. Photographic works may or may not be captioned.
  • Architectural works are works of the architectural type.
  • Maps, diagrams, maps, and drawings include diagrams, diagrams, maps, and drawings related to topography, and types of scientific and architectural works.
  • Literary and folk artworks.

The fee for copyright registration in Vietnam

Official fee

State fees are regulated in Circular 211/2016/TT-BTC dated November 10, 2016. Fees range from 100,000 VND to 600,000 VND depending on the type of work you want to register for copyright. Specifically, the state fees collected for each type of work are as follows:

  • For written works: literary and scientific works, textbooks, lecture textbooks, speeches, and other talks, journalistic works, musical works, and photographic works, the fee is 100,000 VND/ registration dossier.
  • For architectural works; For maps, diagrams, maps, and drawings related to topography and scientific works, the fee is 300,000 VND/registration dossier.
  • For visual works and applied artworks, the fee is 400,000 VND/ registration dossier.
  • For cinematographic works and theatrical works fixed on tape or disc, the fee is 500,000 VND/registration dossier.
  • For computer programs, data collection, or programs running on computers, the fee is 600,000 VND/registration.

Service fees of representative organizations

Depending on each Representative organization and for each type of work, there will be specific service fees according to the regulations of each organization.

Copyright registration service of Viet An Law Firm

  • Legal advice on procedures and conditions for copyright registration of works, advice on determining the type of work that needs to be registered for the author and owner of the work.
  • Drafting copyright registration documents and submitting them to competent state agencies;
  • Copyright registration representative for customers during the copyright registration process;
  • Monitor the registration and application processing process at the Copyright Office;
  • Exchange and provide information to customers during the copyright registration process.
  • Consulting on arising legal issues and disputes related to copyright.

Above is Viet An Law’s advice on the fee for copyright registration in Vietnam. If you need to use copyright registration services, please contact us for the best support.

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