(+84) 9 61 67 55 66


The domestic and international legal document (law) is a document that states some law-related, contractual relationship or grants some right. legal instrument, official document, instrument. the document, papers, written document - writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature)

The Documents


Decree 14/2024/ND-CP amending regulations on foreign trade management

Decree 14/2024/ND-CP amending regulations on foreign trade management

On February 7, 2024, the Government issued Decree 14/2024/ND-CP amending regulations on foreign trade management, with a focus on revising the procedures for granting establishment licenses for representative offices in…
Circular 03/2024/TT-BCT amending regulations on commercial franchising and affiliates of foreign company in Vietnam

Circular 03/2024/TT-BCT amending regulations on commercial franchising and affiliates of foreign company in Vietnam

On January 30, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Circular 03/2024/TT-BCT amending and supplementing several articles of the Circulars of the Minister of Industry and Trade in the…
Circular 06/2023/TT-NHNN amending regulations on lending activities of foreign bank branches

Circular 06/2023/TT-NHNN amending regulations on lending activities of foreign bank branches

On June 28, 2023, the State Bank of Vietnam issued Circular 06/2023/TT-NHNN to amend and supplement Circular 39/2016/TT-NHNN of the State Bank of Vietnam on lending activities of credit institutions…
Vietnam Law on Credit Institutions 2024

Vietnam Law on Credit Institutions 2024

The Law on Credit Institutions 2024 was passed by the Vietnam National Assembly at the 5th Extraordinary Session of the 15th National Assembly. After the session, following the provisions of…
Commercial arbitration under Vietnam Land Law 2024

Commercial arbitration under Vietnam Land Law 2024

Nowadays, land disputes are one of the most popular and complex disputes. There are many methods to resolve land disputes that the parties can choose such as negotiation, conciliation, and…
Decree 46/2024/ND-CP amending industrial property administrative sanctions

Decree 46/2024/ND-CP amending industrial property administrative sanctions

With the innovations in the provisions of the Vietnam Intellectual Property Law 2022, as guided by Decree 65/2023/ND-CP, regulations on sanctions for administrative violations in the field of industrial property…
Decree 07/2023/ND-CP amending Decree 98/2021/ND-CP on medical equipment management

Decree 07/2023/ND-CP amending Decree 98/2021/ND-CP on medical equipment management

On March 3, 2023, the Government issued Decree 07/2023/ND-CP amending Decree 98/2021/ND-CP dated November 8, 2021, on medical equipment management to solve the problem. Resolve the shortcomings, limitations, and inadequacies…
Product proclamation in Ho Chi Minh City

Product proclamation in Ho Chi Minh City

Currently, with the mechanism to minimize administrative procedures, create clear corridors and the most favorable conditions for enterprises while still ensuring the health of people and consumers. To carry out…
Contractual governing principles in Vietnam

Contractual governing principles in Vietnam

Contract law plays a crucial role in Vietnam’s legal system, as most societal transactions, whether for business purposes or to meet daily living needs, involve contracts. Vietnam’s contract law is…
Decree 18/2023/ND-CP amending regulations on conditions for multi-level marketing business in Vietnam

Decree 18/2023/ND-CP amending regulations on conditions for multi-level marketing business in Vietnam

On April 28, 2023, the government issued Decree 18/2023/ND-CP amending Decree 40/2018/ND-CP on managing multi-level business. Full text of Decree 18/2023/ND-CP amending Decree 40/2018/ND-CP on managing business activities by multi-level…


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