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Dossier for copyright registration in Vietnam

Copyright registration is one of the ways to get the legal recognition of copyright. Copyright registration is done with a fairly simple procedure. To register a copyright for a work, the author needs to prepare a set of documents to be submitted to the Copyright Office. Therefore, according to the law, what documents are required for copyright registration documents? In the following, Viet An will provide a list of documents needed to register copyright for customers.

Dossier for copyright registration in Vietnam include:

  • Copyright registration declaration (according to the corresponding form in Circular 08/2023/TT-BVHTTDL dated June 2, 2023, Circular providing for forms in copyright and related rights registration activities).
    • The declaration must be made in Vietnamese and signed by the author himself, the copyright owner, the related right holder or the person authorized to submit the dossier. The declaration must contain complete information about the applicant, the author, the copyright owner or the related rights holder. The declaration should contain a summary of the work, performance, sound recording, video recording or broadcast; the name of the author, the work used as a derivative work if the work is registered as a derivative work; time, place and form of publication; commitment to responsibility for the information stated in the application.
  • Two copies of copyrighted work.
    • 01 copy is kept at the Copyright Office. 01 copy stamped with the registration certificate number shall be returned to the holder of the Certificate of Registration.
    • For works with particular characteristics such as paintings, statues, monuments, reliefs, monumental paintings associated with architectural works; works that are too large and bulky, the registered copy of the work is replaced by a three-dimensional photograph.

+ For written works: 02 volumes on A4 paper with page numbers and author’s signature on each page or company seal;

+ With computer program: 02 copies of source code + software interface on A4 paper + 02 CDs with source code content and interface on it;

+ For works of applied art: 02 copies printed on A4 paper with the signature or seal of the author or owner of the work;

+ For musical works: 02 printed copies of music + lyrics or sound recording (recorded) in case it has been recorded;

+ For architectural works: 02 drawings on A3 paper

Power of attorney or authorization contract , if the applicant is an authorized person, a form prepared or provided by Viet An Law; In case the authorizing party is an individual, the power of attorney must be authenticated according to the provisions of law.

  • Documents proving the right to apply;
  • Written consent of co-authors, if the work has co-authors;
  • Written consent of the co-owners, if the copyright is jointly owned.
  • Notarized identity card of the author or owner of the work;
  • Notarized copy of the company’s business registration certificate (if the owner is a company).

Note: All documents submitted with the copyright registration application must be made in Vietnamese. In case they are made in a foreign language, they must be translated into Vietnamese and notarized/certified. The documents enclosed with the dossiers, if they are copies, must be notarized or authenticated.

In case you use the services of Viet An Law, we will prepare and draft all necessary documents and documents to register copyright.

Procedure for copyright registration

Procedures for copyright registration are carried out according to the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the type of work to be registered

After completing the work, the owner, the author determines the type of work intended to be copyrighted.

Step 2: Prepare documents for copyright registration

After determining the type of work intended for copyright registration, the owner and author of the work proceed to compile a copyright registration dossier according to regulations.

Step 3: Drafting Copyright Registration Documents

The content of the application to be prepared is as introduced above

Step 4: Submit application for copyright registration

Submit directly to the Copyright Office at the following addresses:

  • Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, City. Hanoi.
  • Representative office in Ho Chi Minh City: No. 170 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh.
  • Representative office in Da Nang City: No. 58 Phan Chu Trinh, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City.

Submit by post to the following addresses: Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, City. Hanoi.

Online submission: Online public service portal: http://dichvucong.gov.vn/

Step 5: The Copyright Office examinate and issues the Certificate

  • Within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the submitted dossier and duly accepted by the Copyright Office, the Copyright Office shall grant a copyright registration certificate to the applicant. In case the dossier is missing or has errors that need to be adjusted, the Copyright Office will notify you
  • In case of refusal, the Copyright Office must notify in writing the applicant.
  • Organizations and individuals have a maximum time of 01 month from the date of receipt of the notice to amend and supplement the dossier, except in case of force majeure events or objective obstacles as prescribed by law . If the organization or individual fails to amend or supplement the dossier, or has modified or supplemented the dossier, the dossier is still invalid, the competent state agency shall return the dossier to the organization or individual;

How to apply for copyright registration?

  • Authors, copyright holders and related rights holders can directly apply for copyright registration.
  • Through the Intellectual Property Representative Organization, apply for copyright registration.

To assist you with copyright registration, Viet An Law would like to provide the following services:

Documents you need to provide to Law Viet An when choosing the copyright registration service of Viet An Law include:

  • 02 Notarized copies of the author’s identity card/ people’s identity card
  • 03 originals of the work (If it’s software, 03 CDs/CD ROMs save the software, and 03 paper copies print the main interfaces of the software)
  • 01 Notarized copy of Business Registration Certificate (if the owner is an organization)
  • The contract of sale of rights and the written consent for the registration of the arising work

Copyright registration process at Viet An Law Firm

  • Step 1: Clients provide the above information to Viet An Law.
  • Step 2: Viet An Law prepares documents and sends clients to sign.
  • Step 3: The client returns the file to Viet An Law.
  • Step 4: Viet An represent Clients submits a dossier at the Copyright Office.
  • Step 5: After at least 1 month from the date of submitting a valid application, Law Viet An receives the results of returning the customer and liquidating the service.

Clients wishing to register copyright, or prepare dossier for copyright registration in Vietnam, please contact Viet An Law Firm for the best support!

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