(+84) 9 61 67 55 66


To help foreigners coming to Vietnam to work and stay understand Vietnam’s legal regulations so that they can save time and money for legal procedures, Viet An Law provides consultancy on labor code, immigration to Vietnam, work permit and for-work temporary residence card. Especially, we provide foreigners consultancy on regulations on and conditions for employment in Vietnam as well as income related issues when working in Vietnam. With our 10 year experience in legal consultancy, we have supported annually hundreds of foreigners who expect to work in Vietnam. We are always your trusted partner for the best legal consultancy service.

For good business, every entrepreneur must rely on domestic and international business laws. Business law is based on business law and commercial law is the basic law: Law on Enterprise deals with the establishment, organization, restructuring, dissolution, and relevant activities of enterprises, including limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, partnerships, sole proprietorships, and groups of enterprises. The commercial law applies commercial activities conducted in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Commercial activities conducted outside the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in cases where the involved parties agree to this Law for application, or where a foreign law or a treaty to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party stipulates the application of this Law. Activities not for profit purposes conducted by a party in its transactions with traders in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in cases where the party conducting such not-for-profit activities chooses to apply this Law.

To do business well and effectively as well as protect the rights & responsibilities of business people. Viet An Law provides legal basis, legal services to create the best legal basis for domestic and foreign businessmen.


Monthly benefits for occupational accidents in Vietnam

Monthly benefits for occupational accidents in Vietnam

Occupational accidents, while undesirable, can occur unexpectedly, significantly impacting the health and income of workers. To safeguard the rights of workers and provide necessary support during such adversities, the State…
Year-end financial reporting services in Vietnam

Year-end financial reporting services in Vietnam

Preparation and submission of year-end financial statements is an obligation that every enterprise with production and business activities in the territory of Vietnam must fulfill at the end of the…
Trade secrets in Luxembourg

Trade secrets in Luxembourg

Trade secrets protection in Luxembourg: Comprehensive guide to safeguarding business confidential information under Luxembourg and EU legal framework. Innovation is not only a slogan but also a core driving force…
Account number selection service in Vietnam

Account number selection service in Vietnam

Bank account number is important information in today’s financial transactions such as receiving money, transferring, paying bills, etc. Currently, the demand of customers to choose the account number according to…
Sales accounting services in Vietnam

Sales accounting services in Vietnam

Explore the benefits of professional sales accounting services in Vietnam to streamline your financial processes and enhance business efficiency. The sales process is an important stage for all types of…
Utility services in business establishment procedures in Hanoi

Utility services in business establishment procedures in Hanoi

Towards e-government suitable for the 4.0 technology era, the business registration procedure in Hanoi is considered a pioneering breakthrough in the application of information technology. With the success of 100%…
Regulation of Labor Probation Regime in Vietnam

Regulation of Labor Probation Regime in Vietnam

In recent years, the need for employees and employers to learn about legal regulations in the field of labor has increased. The reason is that our country’s economy is growing,…
Representatives to solve tax problems in Vietnam

Representatives to solve tax problems in Vietnam

Taxes are the top concern of businesses. How to complete tax tasks, answer tax problems quickly and at low cost. In addition, recently, the state has been reviewing and inspecting…
Expenses not included in CIT expenses in 2025

Expenses not included in CIT expenses in 2025

Corporate income tax (CIT) is a type of tax directly collected, levied directly on taxable corporate income. CIT includes incomes of enterprises from the production and trading of goods and…
Conditions for setting up a company in Singapore

Conditions for setting up a company in Singapore

Discover the essential conditions for setting up a company in Singapore, ensuring a smooth and compliant business launch in one of Asia’s most vibrant economic hubs. Singapore – The Lion…


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In Hochiminh: (+84) 9 61 67 55 66
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