The teaching quality of a refresher training institution always greatly depends on the text book and materials used during the training process. Therefore, text book compilation is considered by refresher training institutions as a job that plays a particularly important role. Text book compilation is a job that requires serious and scientific labor. To compile and produce a quality scientific product, the author must have professional qualifications, work hard and scientific with conscience, responsibility as well as the career passion. Therefore, copyright registration for text books in Vietnam is very necessary and meaningful.
Table of contents
The role of the text book
Improve the quality of training for learner, researcher
Rely on text book and document, students will have more documents to self – educated, help develop student’s self – educated and self – research ability.
Improve the quality of teaching, speciality of lecturers
Rely on text book and document, lecturers will have more conditions to innovation the method, form of organization of teaching and retraining.
Improve the professional qualifications and professionalism of the teaching staff. Through the compilation and publication of text books and retraining documents, it will help to gradually improve the professional qualifications and scientific research capacity of the teaching staff. Moreover, it can also promote the formation groups of experts associated with specific specialties.
Enhance credibility, brand of the training institution
Promote, affirm the brand of the training institution. The initiative in compiling and publishing a system of text books and documents to ensure the scientificity and suitability to the professional characteristics of the school not only helps the training and retraining institution to proactively source text books and documents serving the teaching and retraining work, but also contributing to promoting and affirming the quality, brand, and image of the school in front of students and the society. Many training and retraining institutions consider the compilation and publication of text books and documents is a mandatory requirement, their commitment to the training and retraining capacity and quality for social supervision.
Procedures of copyright registration for text books in Vietnam
Step 1: Prepare documents for copyright registration
Declaration of copyright registration (according to the corresponding form in Circular No. 08/2023/TT-BVHTTDL dated June 02, 2023 on forms used in registration of copyright, related rights): The declaration must be made in Vietnamese and signed by the author, the copyright owner, the related right holder or the person authorized to submit the document. The declaration must contain complete information about the applicant, the author, the copyright owner or the related rights holder. The declaration must contain a summary of the work, performance, sound recording, video recording or broadcast; the name of the author, the work used as a derivative work if the work is registered as a derivative work; time, place and form of publication; commitment to responsibility for the information stated in the application.
Two copies of copyright registration work: One copy is kept at the Copyright Office. One copy stamped with the registration certificate number shall be returned to the holder of the Certificate of Registration.
For written works: two volumes on A4 paper with page numbers and author’s signature on each page or company seal on adjoining edges of pages.
Power of attorney or authorization contract, if the applicant is an authorized person, a form prepared or provided by Law Viet An; In case the authorizing party is an individual, the power of attorney must be authenticated according to the provisions of law.
Documents proving the right to apply;
Written consent of co-authors, if the work has co-authors;
Written consent of the co-owners, if the copyright is jointly owned;
Notarized identity card of the author or owner of the work;
Notarized copy of the company’s business registration certificate (if the owner is a company).
All documents submitted with the copyright registration application must be made in Vietnamese. In case the work made in a foreign language, it must be translated into Vietnamese and notarized/certified. The documents submitted with the documents, if they are copies, must be notarized or authenticated.
In case you use the services of Viet An Law Company, we will prepare and draft all necessary documents and documents to register copyright.
Step 2: Submit application for copyright registration
Submit an application for copyright registration in the following forms:
Submit directly to the Copyright Office at the following addresses:
Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Hanoi City.
Representative office in Ho Chi Minh City: No. 170 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.
Representative office in Da Nang City: No. 58 Phan Chu Trinh, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City.
Submit by post to the following addresses: Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Hanoi City.
Step 3: The Copyright Office examines and issues the Certificate
During 30 working days from the date of receipt of the submitted documents and duly accepted by the Copyright Office, the Copyright Office shall grant a copyright registration certificate to the applicant. In case the document is missing or has errors that need to be adjusted, the Copyright Office will notify you.
In case of refusal, the Copyright Office must notify by writing the applicant.
Organizations and individuals have one month is the maxium time from the date of receipt of the notice to amend and supplement the document, except in case of force majeure events or objective obstacles as prescribed by law. In case the organization or individual didn’t amend or supplement the document or has modified or supplemented the document but it is still invalid, the competent state agencies have right to return the document to the organization or individual;
Note: Clients can shorten the time to consider granting a Copyright Registration Certificate for textbooks to 07 – 10 days when clients use our consulting services and representatives submit registration applications. Viet An Law Firm.
The fee of copyright registration in Vietnam for textbooks
The registration fee is a fee that the author and owner of the work will have to pay to the registration agency (Copyright Office) and depending on the type of work, there will be different ways of calculating the fee.
Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 211/2016/TT-BTC stipulates the fee for copyright registration for textbooks as follows: The cost for copyright registration is 100,000 VND/certificate.
Copyright registration dossiers for textbooks
Copyright registration documents for textbooks include:
Copyright registration declaration according to the form of the Copyright Office;
Copies of works registered for copyright ( 02 copies): 02 copies printed on A4 paper with the signature or stamp of the author and owner.
Author’s ID card.
Power of attorney for Viet An Law to carry out procedures.
Documents proving the right to apply.
Written consent of the co-authors in case the work has co-authors.
Declaration of the author’s independent creation of the work, not violating anyone’s copyright.
In case the registrant is not also the author (organization, company), the application requires the following documents:
Power of attorney for Viet An Law to carry out procedures.
Copy of identity card of the author/authors of the work;
Certificate of transfer of ownership of the work from the author/authors to the owner of the work (in case of transfer of rights from another party);
Copy of enterprise registration certificate or establishment decision (in case the registered owner is a legal entity)
Declaration of the author/authors independently creating the work, not violating anyone’s copyright;
Copyright registration application according to the form of the Copyright Office;
Other information: author’s pen name; Address; Phone and fax numbers of the author and owner of the work.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the deadline for issuing copyright registration certificates for textbooks?
According to current legal regulations, within fifteen working days from the date of receipt of valid documents, the state management agency on copyright is responsible for issuing a Copyright Registration Certificate to the copyright applicant. In case of refusal to issue a Copyright Registration Certificate, the state management agency for copyright must notify the applicant in writing and clearly state the reason.
What is the term of copyright registration in Vietnam for textbooks?
The term of copyright protection for textbooks is as follows:
Moral rights specified in Clauses 1, 2, and 4, Article 19 of the Intellectual Property Law are protected indefinitely.
Moral rights specified in Clause 3, Article 19 and property rights specified in Article 20 of the Intellectual Property Law have a protection term of the author’s entire life and fifty years following the year of the author’s death; In case a work has a co-author, the term of protection ends in the fiftieth year after the year the last co-author dies.
Copyright registration for text book in Vietnam by Viet An Law
Legal advice on procedures and conditions for copyright registration for works, advice and guidance for authors and work owners to prepare copyright registration documents;
Drafting copyright registration documents and submitting them to competent state agencies;
Representive copyright registration for customers in the copyright registration process;
Monitor the process of registration and application processing at the Copyright Office;
Exchange and provide information to customers during the copyright registration process.
Consulting on arising legal issues, disputes related to copyright.
Clients who need advice on copyright registration in Vietnam for textbooks, please contact Viet An Law for the best support.
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