(+84) 9 61 67 55 66

Change name of FDI company in Vietnam

During the operation process, a foreign direct investment (FDI) company in Vietnam with demand of changing its name must carry out procedures to change the company name on both the Investment Registration Certificate and the Enterprise Registration Certificate.

Accordingly, to carry out the procedure of changing the name of a FDI company, Client needs to research to ensure not have identical names with other FDI enterprises and Vietnamese enterprises in Vietnam. Note that when a company changes its Vietnamese name, it must ensure that the English name and the abbreviated name of the company comply with regulations.

Table of contents


    Procedure to change name of FDI company in Vietnam

    Procedure to change name of FDI company in Vietnam

    Step 1: Draft and apply to change the company name on the Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC)

    The dossier including the name change of a foreign invested company is constructed similarly to the dossier for the name change of a Vietnamese invested enterprise:

    • Notice of change of company name;
    • Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Members/ Board of Directors of the company on changing the company name;
    • Decision of the Owner/ Board of Members/ Board of Directors of the company on changing the company name;
    • Power of Attorney to carry out company name change procedures.

    Time to complete procedure: 03 – 05 working days.

    Step 2: Engrave the company seal according to the new name of the company that has been granted on the National Business Registration Portal

    Completion time: 01-03 working days.

    Step 3: Prepare documents and carry out procedures to change the Investment Registration Certificate (IRC)

    After the company changes its business registration content and is granted a new Enterprise Registration Certificate, continue to carry out the procedure for changing the Investment Registration Certificate at the investment registration agency.

    Company name change records recorded in Investment Registration Certificate:

    • Document requesting to change Investment Registration Certificate;
    • Project implementation proposal;
    • Decision of the owner to adjust the investment registration certificate;
    • Project implementation status report; Monitoring and evaluation report, Audited financial report of the company for the previous fiscal year;
    • Copy of Investment Registration Certificate, copy of Enterprise Registration Certificate;
    • Power of Attorney and introduction documents to applying.

    Completion time: 10 -15 working days.

    Step 4: Procedures after registering to change the name of a foreign-invested company

    • Notify the bank that opened the capital transfer account and transaction account;
    • Carry out procedures with relevant agencies such as: insurance, tax, partners, etc.
    • Adjustment procedures related to issued value-added invoices of enterprises;
    • Registering related permenant assets with registered ownership,…;

    Step 5: Complete internal corporate audit procedures

    New company need to conduct some procedure for printing, transaction documents, company signs, digital electronic, etc.

    Clients who need to use the service of changing the name of a foreign-invested company or establish a company in Vietnam, please contact Viet An Law Firm for the best support!

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