Nowadays, with the development of means of transport, the exchange of goods has become easier. The emergence of express delivery companies helps us to send goods in a short time while saving costs. Along with the great demand of the people, express delivery companies are established and operating vigorously. However, not everyone understands the establishment procedures, establishment conditions, and necessary licenses for an express delivery company. Therefore, in this article, Viet An Law would like to advise on the procedures to apply for an express delivery license in Vietnam following the law.
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Necessary licenses
An enterprise or organization that wants to do express delivery business must have the following types of licenses issued by competent state agencies:
Conditions for granting an Express Delivery License in Vietnam
Express delivery service is a form of postal service. Therefore, when a business or organization wants to do business in this service, it must meet the legal conditions prescribed for the business or organization to be granted a license to do business in postal services pursuant to Article 21 of the Postal Law 2010.
Accordingly, enterprises and organizations must meet the following conditions to be granted a license to operate express delivery services:
Have an enterprise registration certificate for postal activities or an investment registration certificate in the postal sector;
Have financial and human resources capacity suitable for the business plan according to the content of the request for a license;
Have a viable business plan by regulations on postal service prices and quality;
Have measures to ensure information security and safety for people, postal items, and the postal network.
Procedures for applying for an express delivery license in Vietnam
Step 1: Apply for an Express delivery license
Enterprises and organizations requesting a postal license or a document confirming the notification of postal activities must submit their application via the online public service system to the competent state agency for postal services and are responsible for the legality, accuracy, and honesty of the application.
The dossier for the express delivery license includes:
Application for a postal license according to form. Please contact Viet An Law to get the form according to current regulations.
Copy of enterprise registration certificate;
Company charter (if any);
Business plan;
Sample contract for provision and use of postal services by the provisions of the Postal Lawal services;
Logos, trademarks, special symbols, or elements of the business’s identification system shown on postal items (if any);
Postal service price list in accordance with postal law;
Postal service quality standards announced and applied are in accordance with the provisions of the Postal Law;
Regulations on the limit of liability for compensation for damages in case of damage, the process for handling customer complaints, and the time limit for handling complaints following the provisions of the Postal Law;
Agreement with other enterprises and foreign partners in Vietnamese, in case of cooperation in providing one, some, or all stages of the postal service for which a license is requested;
Documents on the legal status of foreign partners have been consular legalized;
Franchise contract with the enterprise providing postal services (if any);
Power of attorney (if any).
Step 2: Processing the dossier
Within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall refuse to grant a postal license in cases where it is not within its authority and clearly state the reason.
Within 20 days, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue a postal license in cases where the dossier is complete and in accordance with regulations. In cases where the dossier does not meet the regulations, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall notify the enterprise to make amendments and supplements.
Within 15 working days from the date of notification, the enterprise is responsible for amending and supplementing the dossier as required.
In case the enterprise does not amend or supplement the dossier as required or amends or supplements but does not meet the requirements, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue a notice of refusal to grant a postal license and state the reason.
Notifications from the Ministry of Information and Communications are made in writing and via the online public service system.
The results of the postal license issuance procedures and the confirmation document of the postal operation notification are returned directly or via the public postal service.
Vietnamese competent authority to grant express delivery license
The competent authority to grant the Express delivery License is stipulated in Article 9 of Decree 47/2011/ND-CP amended by Decree 25/2022/ND-CP as follows:
The Department of Information and Communications has the authority to grant and revoke postal licenses for the provision of mail services within the province;
The Ministry of Information and Communications has the authority to grant and revoke postal licenses for cases of providing mail services within inter-provincial and international scope.
The application for a postal license is made into 01 original set.
Enterprises providing postal services with a receiving address with a single item weighing up to 02 kilograms (kg) must have a postal license issued by a competent state agency in charge of postal services.
Notification of postal activities must be made no later than 07 working days from the first day of postal activities.
Apply for an express delivery license in Vietnam service of Viet An Law
Viet An Law provides services for applying for express delivery licenses. Customers in need can refer to the Company’s services:
Consulting on conditions for registration for a postal license;
Consulting on preparing documents and information to complete the application for a postal license;
Drafting application dossier for a Postal license;
On behalf of the enterprise, carry out procedures to apply for a postal license;
Exchanging and providing information to customers during the process of granting a postal license;
Receiving and returning to customers the Postal license;
Consulting on granting and changing postal licenses;
Consulting on legal procedures after being granted a postal license;
Consulting on legal issues arising in connection with the postal service business activities of the enterprise.
Above is the consulting content of Viet An Law on the procedure forapplying for an express delivery license in Vietnam. If you need to applyfor an express delivery license in Vietnam service, please contact Viet An Law for timely support.
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