(+84) 9 61 67 55 66

Register business locations of the company in Vietnam

Based on demands or other reasons, a company may not want to run their business at the head-office but seek for a more convenient place, especially in catering business services… The company may consider and pick a potential business location and announce to the Business Registry Office – Department of Planning and Investment where the company’s head-office or branch is located within 10 days from the date of decision on business location establishment. Please notice that the company can only establish its business locations in provinces or cities where the head-office or branch is located.

Viet An Law Firm collects and provides some information related to business locations as follows:

Announcement on business location establishment: Using the form in the Annex No. II-11 Circular No.20/2015/TT-BKHĐT. The announcement contains some main information as follows:

  • Business registration number;
  • Name and address of the head-office or name and address of branch (in case the business location is established in the province or city where the branch is located);
  • Name and address of the business location;
  • Sectors of the business location;
  • Full-name, residence address, number of ID/passport or equivalent papers of the head of the business location;
  • Full-name, signature of the legal representative of the company if the business location is affiliated to the company or full-name, signature of the head of the branch if the business location is affiliated to the branch.

In case the company needs, it may require the Business Registration Office issue the Business Location Registration Certificate.

Name of the business location: Company can choose a name for its business location and hang it at the business location. The business location may have foreign name or abbreviation name. Proper name of the business location shall not bear the word “company” or “enterprise”.

Legal consulting service on enterprises and investment at Viet An Law Firm:

  • Consult about regulations and procedures related to enterprises and investment in Vietnam;
  • Consult about regulations and procedures for company establishment, issuance of Investment Registration Certificate, Business Registration Certificate, sublicenses…;
  • Consult about conditional business sectors and detailed conditions applied to each one;
  • Draft, submit the application and work with state-authorized agencies when Clients authorize;
  • Consult about after-establishing issues: contracts, tax, Vietnamese labor, foreign labor working in Vietnam, intellectual property, commercial franchise…

If you are looking for legal advice about enterprises and investment in Vietnam, please feel free to contact Viet An Law Firm for more information!

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