A limited liability company (LLC) with two or more members (a multiple-member LLC) is an enterprise with from 02 to 50 members who are organizations and individuals. Members are responsible for the debts and other property obligations of the enterprise within the amount of capital contributed to the enterprise. A limited liability company with two or more members has legal status from the date of issuance of the Enterprise Registration Certificate. Therefore, the implementation of post-establishment procedures is a premise for the enterprise to begin production and business activities and fulfill tax obligations to the state.
After establishment, Viet An Tax Agent will implement tax services quickly and promptly, avoiding risks for businesses.
During operation, businesses in the form of multiple-member LLCs should note that capital-contributing members are divided into profits corresponding to their capital contribution after the company has paid all taxes and fulfilled its obligations. Other financial provisions as prescribed by law. Enterprises are allowed to issue bonds according to regulations but are not allowed to issue shares, except in the case of converting into a joint stock company. If there are any difficulties or problems during operations, please contact Viet An Tax Agent, Viet An Law for advice and support with legal procedures.
Article 37 of the Law on Enterprises No. 59/2020/QH14 stipulates: “The enterprise name must be attached to the enterprise’s headquarters, branches, representative offices, and business locations”, therefore, enterprises must hang signs at headquarters.
In case a business does not install a sign at its headquarters, there is a risk of having its tax code locked when the tax authority checks its operating status.
Enterprises should pay attention to appointing a legal representative to sign and be responsible for tax documents submitted to the tax authority. Procedures need to be carried out quickly and completely. Especially company signs need to be given priority first.
An enterprise may appoint one or all three individuals to represent the enterprise to exercise the rights and obligations arising from the enterprise’s transactions and to represent the enterprise as a requester to resolve civil matters, plaintiffs, defendants, people with related rights and obligations before the Arbitrator, Court, and other rights and obligations according to the provisions of law.
If you require tax services after establishing a multiple-member LLC, please contact Viet An Law Firm – Tax Agent for the best support.
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