Trademark registration renewal is to protect the rights to your trademark that has been granted a Certificate is one of the issues that Vietnamese businesses and individuals encounter many difficulties. Each trademark meets the protection conditions and is granted a Trademark Registration Certificate valid for 10 years. After these 10 years, if the owner does not continue to renew, he will no longer enjoy the exclusive rights provided by the trademark. In the article below, Viet An Law Firm – Intellectual Property Representative will provide basic legal advice on trademark registration renewal services in Vietnam.
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Pursuant to Clause 16, Article 4 of the current Intellectual Property Law: “A trademark is a sign used to distinguish goods and services of different organizations and individuals.”
Renewal of trademark registration is understood as when the trademark expires, the trademark owner or authorized intellectual property representative organizations carry out procedures to renew the Trademark Registration Certificate. This certificate can be renewed many times in a row, each time for 10 years for all or part of the list of goods and services.
Renewal can be conducted for all good/ service classes at the time of registration or only renew with good/ service classes currently being requested.
For organizations and individuals that need to extend the trademark protection validity for many different trademarks at the same time, a declaration requesting renewal of protection titles, the organization or individual can apply for renewal of multiple protection titles at once.
Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 31 of Decree 65/2023/ND-CP, dossier requesting renewal of validity of Trademark Registration Certificate includes the following documents:
Document name | Quantity |
Declaration requesting renewal of validity (according to form No. 07, Appendix II, Decree 65/2023/ND-CP) | 1 original |
Original Trademark Registration Certificate (in case of request to record the renewal in the Protection Title) | 1 original |
Power of Attorney (in case the request is submitted through a representative) | 1 original |
Proof of payment of State fees according to regulations | 1 copy |
Within 01 month from the date of receipt of the renewal request dossier, the National Office of Intellectual Property reviews the dossier and carries out the following procedures:
Issue a decision to extend the validity of the protection title, record it in the protection title (if required), register and publish the decision to extend the validity of the Trademark Registration Certificate in the Public Property Official Gazette. within 60 days from the date of decision.
Issue a notice of intention to refuse the renewal, clearly state the reason and set a time limit of 02 months from the date of notice for the requester to correct errors or object if:
If at the end of the set time limit the requester does not correct the errors or the errors are not corrected unsatisfactorily, there is no objection or there is an objection that is not valid, the National Office of Intellectual Property shall issue an order decided to refuse the renewal.
According to Circular 263/2016/TT-BTC on regulations on collection rates, collection, payment, management and use of industrial property state fees; as amended and supplemented by Circular 31/2020/TT-BTC and Circular 63/2023/TT-BTC, state fees for trademark registration renewal are as follows:
Trademark registration renewal services may only be performed within the scope of authorization and may be sub-authorized to another industrial property representation service organization with the written consent of the authorizer.
Service provision representatives may perform the following activities:
In addition, IP representatives may not perform the following activities:
If clients need to renew their trademark registration, they can use renewal service of Viet An Law – IP Representative Firm for the most detailed instructions.
If you have any related questions or need to register a trademark or trademark registration renewal in Vietnam, please contact Viet An Law – IP Firm for the best advice and support.