(+84) 9 61 67 55 66

Establish online shopping website in Vietnam

Currently, purchasing goods online has become popular to many customers and directly competes with traditional commerce. Competing prices and diverse merchandises along with high quality services helps online sale gain trust by customers. In accordance with Clause 1 Article 25 Decree No. 25/2013/NĐ-CP on e-commerce, e-commerce website for sale of goods means “e-commerce website developed by traders, organizations or individuals by themselves to serve their commercial promotion, sales or service provision”. Thus, not only companies but also individuals can establish online shopping website in Vietnam to run their business after announcing with the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the e-commerce website for sale of goods:


  • Traders;
  • Organizations whose functions and duties include selling goods and providing services or other e-commerce activities;
  • Individuals who are granted personal tax identification numbers and are not required to apply for business registration according to the laws on business registration.

Announcing online at: www.online.gov.vn

Step 1: Register account for access to the system by providing the following information:

  • The website owner’s name;
  • Business Registration number of traders or Establishment Decision number of organizations or personal tax identification numbers of individuals;
  • Business sectors;
  • Head-office’s address of traders and organizations or permanent address of individuals;
  • Contact information.

Step 2: Within 03 working days, traders, organizations, individuals receive results from the Ministry of Trade and Industry via registered emails regarding one of the following matters:

  • If information of the account is complete, traders, organizations and individuals shall be granted an account and proceed Step 3;
  • If registration is rejected or additional information is required, traders, organizations and individuals shall carry out the registration again or provide additional information as required.

Step 3: Announcing

After being granted an account for access to the system, traders, organizations and individuals shall carry out logging on, select online shopping website registration and fill in the forms as instructed.

Step 4: Within 03 working days, traders, organizations or individuals shall receive responses from the Ministry of Industry and Trade via registered emails about one of the following matters:

  • Confirming that the declared information is complete and valid;
  • Notifying that the declared information is incomplete or invalid. In this case, traders, organizations and individuals shall return to Step 3 to declare again or provide additional information as required.


  • Traders, organizations and individuals shall be responsible for following up the handling of the documents via emails or granted account to carry out updating and revising the information as requested;
  • Within 10 working days from the requirement for additional information in Step 4, if traders, organizations, individuals do not respond, the registration shall be terminated and return to Step 3.

Duration: Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of a complete and valid application, Ministry of Trade and Industry shall send to traders, organizations, individuals a code via emails in order to insert into the online shopping website and displayed as a “notified” sign.

Consulting services about enterprises and investment at Viet An Law Firm:

  • Consult about regulations and procedures related to enterprise establishment and investment process in Vietnam;
  • Consult about application for Investment Registration Certificate, Business Registration Certificate and sublicenses;
  • Draft, submit the application and work with state-authorized agencies when Clients grant authorizations;
  • Consult about legal issues related to business operation such as tax, contracts, labor, social insurance, commercial franchise, intellectual property…

If you are looking for advice about investment and enterprises in Vietnam, please feel free to contact Viet An Law Firm for more information!

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