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Establishment of a Japanese-owned company in Vietnam

Japan has long been an important economic partner of Vietnam. With large investment capital, modern technology and advanced management experience, Japanese enterprises have actively contributed to the process of industrialization and modernization of the country. From automobile and electronics factories to industrial parks, Japan’s imprint can be easily seen. The cooperation between the two countries not only brings economic benefits but also contributes to strengthening friendship and comprehensive cooperation. In addition, the cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Japan is increasingly being strengthened and expanded. With available advantages such as favorable geographical location, abundant human resources and Vietnam’s open-door policy, along with Japan’s experience and advanced technology, the two countries have many opportunities to further deepen cooperation in fields such as renewable energy,  industry 4.0, and sustainable development. The future of this relationship promises to bring many new cooperation opportunities and contribute positively to the development of both countries. In order to help customers more conveniently in the procedure for establishing a Japanese-owned company in Vietnam, Viet An Law would like to provide basic information through the article below.

company in Vietnam

Table of contents


    Legal Basis

    • Law on Investment 2020 and related guiding documents;
    • Law on Enterprises 2020 and related guiding documents;
    • WTO Schedule of Commitments on Services.
    • Vietnam-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (VJEPA)

    Establishment of a new company with 100% Japanese capital or less

    Basic steps to establish a new company with 100% Japanese capital or less

    Step 1: Apply for an investment certificate;

    Step 2: Register for business establishment;

    Step 3: Proceed to engrave the legal entity’s seal when it has a tax identification number;

    Step 4: Open an investment capital account and contribute capital;

    Step 5: After completing the capital contribution procedure, business activities can be carried out. Note that it may be necessary to apply for sub-licenses for conditional business investment lines

    Application for an investment certificate of a Japanese company

    • Written request for implementation of the investment project;
    • An investment project proposal includes the following contents: the investor implementing the project, investment objectives, investment scale, investment capital and capital mobilization plan, location, duration, investment schedule, labor demand, proposal for investment incentives, impact assessment, etc socio-economic efficiency of the project;
    • Dossier proving the company’s head office: Lease contract, Notarized copy of real estate documents of the lessor: Land use right certificate, Construction permit; if the lessor is a company: It is necessary to provide a copy of the enterprise registration certificate with the function of real estate business;
    • Confirmation of account balance corresponding to the capital intended to establish an FDI company is consular legalized and notarized

    Place of application: Department of Planning and Investment where the head office is expected to be located.

    Processing order: Within 15 days from the date of receipt of a complete and valid dossier, the Department of Planning and Investment will issue an Investment Registration Certificate to the foreign investor. In case of refusal, the Department of Planning and Investment will reply in writing and clearly state the reason.

    Application for Certificate of Registration of Japanese-Owned Enterprises

    • Application for enterprise registration;
    • Charter of the enterprise;
    • List of members of a limited liability company with two or more members or a list of general partners;
    • A notarized copy of the identity card or valid passport of the individual member; a notarized copy of the enterprise registration certificate of the member being an organization; a notarized copy of the valid identity card or passport of the legal representative of that organization;
    • The investment registration certificate of the Japanese investor has been completed above.

    Place of application: Department of Planning and Investment where the enterprise is headquartered.

    Duration: 03 – 06 working days.

    Engraving the seal of the legal entity when it has a tax identification number

    After the business has a tax identification number, engraving the legal entity seal is an important step to complete the establishment procedure. The legal entity seal is an official identification sign of the business, used in transactions and legal documents:

    • Business name: Must match the name registered in the business registration certificate.
    • Tax identification number: It is the unique number of the enterprise, issued by the tax authority.
    • Head office address: Must match the registered address. Usually the county and city where the headquarters address is located.
    • Type of enterprise: Example: Limited liability company, joint stock company,…

    Opening an investment capital account and contributing capital

    Procedures for opening an investment capital account

    Preparation of dossiers for opening investment capital accounts includes:

    • Enterprise establishment license or investment registration certificate.
    • Investor’s identity document (passport, visa).
    • Documents proving the legal origin of the investment capital.

    Place to apply: Submit the application at the selected bank.

    The bank will conduct the appraisal of the dossier and open an investment capital account for the investor.

    After having an investment capital account, the company with Japanese capital contributed capital. Note that enterprises need to fully contribute the registered capital within 90 days from the date of issuance of the business registration certificate.

    • Money transfer: Investors transfer money from an overseas account to an investment capital account opened in Vietnam.
    • Confirmation: The bank will confirm the transfer of capital contribution.

    Establishment of a Japanese-owned company in Vietnam in the form of purchase of contributed capital, purchase of shares in Vietnamese enterprises

    Procedures for foreign investors to contribute capital to Vietnamese companies

    For convenience and speed, Japanese investors can choose to invest in the form of capital contribution and purchase of shares in Vietnamese companies. Accordingly, the procedure is carried out as follows:

    Step 1: Register to buy contributed capital, buy shares of a Vietnamese company

    • In fact, because the procedure for establishing a Vietnamese company is much simpler, many investors in Japan have chosen to establish a Vietnamese company first and then carry out the procedures for buying contributed capital, buying shares of the Vietnamese company or also buying back the contributed capital. buy shares of existing Vietnamese companies.
    • The investor submits the dossier at the Department of External Economics – Department of Planning and Investment where the economic organization is headquartered to carry out procedures for registering capital contribution, purchase of shares and capital contributions to the Company with 100% Vietnamese capital. The dossier includes the following documents:
      • Written registration of capital contribution, purchase of shares, purchase of contributed capital (according to Form A.I.7 issued together with Circular 25/2023/TT-BKHDT).
      • Written agreement in principle on capital contribution, share purchase or purchase of contributed capital between foreign investors and economic organizations with foreign investors contributing capital, purchasing shares or purchasing contributed capital.
      • Copies of legal papers of individuals and organizations contributing capital, purchasing shares, purchasing contributed capital; and of economic organizations with foreign investors contributing capital, buying shares, buying contributed capital.
      • In case of necessity, the External Economic Relations Division may request the supply of a copy of the land use right certificate of the economic organization to which foreign investors contribute capital, purchase shares or purchase contributed capital.
    • In case the capital contribution, purchase of shares or contributed capital of the foreign investor satisfies the conditions, the Department of Planning and Investment shall notify in writing within 15 days from the date of receipt of a complete dossier for the investor to carry out the procedures for changing shareholders. members in accordance with law. In case of failure to meet the conditions, the Department of Planning and Investment shall notify the investor in writing and clearly state the reason.

    Step 2: Change the Certificate of Business Registration with additional information of foreign investors

    • After obtaining the approval of the Investment Department – Department of Planning and Investment on the approval for foreign investors to contribute capital, purchase shares or contributed capital, the investor shall carry out the following procedures:
    • Carry out procedures for changing shareholders and members on the Business Registration Certificate (Enterprise Registration Certificate) in accordance with the law at the Business Registration Office – Department of Planning and Investment.

    What is the difference between establishing a Japanese-owned company in Vietnam today and the Law on Investment 2014?

    Adjustment of the list of prohibited and conditional trades

    • Abolition: Many industries that were once prohibited or eligible for investment have been abolished from the portfolio, expanding investment opportunities for investors.
    • Additional: Some new occupations are included in the list of prohibited or conditional occupations to meet the requirements of state management and protection of national interests.
    • Amendments: Investment conditions for many industries are adjusted, clarifying requirements and procedures.

    Expansion of investment incentives

    Tax incentives Land incentives Eligible sectors
    ·      Corporate income tax reduction: Lower tax rates are applied to investment projects in priority sectors, special zones, or small and medium-sized enterprises.

    ·      Import tax exemption: Import  tax exemption for machinery, equipment and raw materials for production.

    ·      Fast Depreciation: Allows businesses to depreciate fixed assets faster, reducing the tax burden.


    ·      Land allocation and lease at preferential prices: The State may allocate or lease land at preferential prices or exempt or reduce land use levies for important investment projects.

    ·      Support for construction permit procedures: Simplify construction permit procedures, shorten the processing time.


    ·      High technology: Priority is given to investment projects in high technology and innovation.

    ·      Renewable energy: Encourage investment in clean and renewable energy projects.

    ·      Infrastructure: Investing in transport, energy, and telecommunications infrastructure projects.

    ·      Production: Priority is given to production projects with high value-added content, using modern technology.

    ·      Services: Develop high-quality services that meet the needs of the market.

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