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Copyright registration in Vietnam

In the current trend of integration and development, to avoid copying and stealing ideas from authors and owners of works, authors and copyright owners need to register copyright with the copyright owner. Copyright Office to protect your legal rights. Viet An Law, a unit with nearly 20 years of experience in the field of copyright registration consulting, will guide you through the current regulations of copyright registration in Vietnam in the article below.

Copyright registration in Vietnam

Overview of copyright registration in Vietnam

Criteria Corresponding content
Legal basis Vietnam Law on Intellectual Property 2005, as amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, and 2022.

Decree No. 17/2023/ND-CP guiding the Intellectual Property Law on copyright and related rights.

Circular 08/2023/TT-BVHTTDL regulates forms for registration of copyright and related rights.

Circular 211/2016/TT-BTC regulates the rates, collection, payment, management, and use of copyright registration fees and author-related rights.

The receiving agency Copyright Office – Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Method of submitting an application Submit directly to the Copyright Office at the following addresses:

Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, City. Hanoi.

Representative office in the Ho Chi Minh City: No. 170 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh.

Representative office in Da Nang City: No. 58 Phan Chu Trinh, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City.

Submit by mail to the following addresses: Copyright Office: No. 33 Alley 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, City. Hanoi.

Submit online: Online public service portal: http://dichvucong.gov.vn/

Execution time 15 working days (excluding time for amending and supplementing applications)
State fees and charges 100,000 ~ 600,000 VND

For written works: literary works, scientific works, textbooks, lecture textbooks, speeches, and other talks, journalistic works, musical works, and photographic works, the fee is 100,000 VND/registration.

For architectural works; For maps, diagrams, maps, and drawings related to topography and scientific works, the fee is: 300,000 VND/registration dossier.

For visual works and applied artworks, the fee is 400,000 VND/registration.

For cinematographic works and theatrical works fixed on tape or disc, the fee is 500,000 VND/registration dossier.

For computer programs, data collection, or programs running on computers, the fee is 600,000 VND/registration.

Viet An Law Services Copyright registration service, copyright registration service.
Scope of service provision Nationwide (63 provinces)
Result of receiving service performance Copyright registration certificate

Copyright registration dossier in Vietnam

  • Copyright registration declaration;
  • 02 copies of the work and 01 electronic copy (soft file, submitted with USB storage);
  • Authorization document for the individual to apply;
  • Copy of the author’s citizen identification card;
  • Notarized copy of business registration if the owner is a company;
  • Documents proving the owner of the rights resulting from the creative assignment are the decision to assign tasks or confirmation of assigning tasks to individuals belonging to that unit or organization;
  • Documents proving the owner of inherited rights are documents determining inheritance rights that are notarized or authenticated according to the provisions of law;
  • Documents proving the owner of the rights due to the transfer of rights are written transfer, gift, purchase, and capital contribution contracts that are notarized or authenticated according to the provisions of law;
  • In case the author is not also the copyright owner, there must be a written commitment to self-creation and creativity according to the decision or confirmation of assignment; and contract; Participate in the contest and be responsible before the law for the content of the commitment.
  • Documents proving the owner of the rights as a result of assigning creative tasks or entering into creative contracts specified in this Clause must be originals or notarized or authenticated copies;
  • Written consent of co-authors, if the work has co-authors;
  • Written consent of the co-owners, if copyright and related rights are jointly owned;
  • In case the work uses another person’s image, that person’s written consent must be obtained according to the provisions of the law.
  • Documents such as copies of works, authorization letters, documents proving the right to apply, and written consent of co-authors or co-owners must be made in Vietnamese, in case of being made in a foreign language, they must be made in Vietnamese. must be translated into Vietnamese.

Term of copyright certificate protection

  • Cinematographic works, photographic works, applied arts, and anonymous works have a term of protection of seventy-five years, from the time the work is first published; For works of cinematography, photography, or applied arts that have not been published for twenty-five years from the time the work was fixed, the term of protection is one hundred years from the time the work was created. shape; For anonymous works, when information about the author appears, the protection period is calculated according to the provisions of Point b of this Clause;
  • The remaining works that do not fall into the above categories have a term of protection that is the entire life of the author and fifty years following the year of the author’s death; In case a work has a co-author, the term of protection ends in the fiftieth year after the year the last co-author dies;
  • The term of protection specified above ends at 24:00 on December 31 of the year in which the copyright protection term expires.

Time limit for appraisal of copyright registration dossiers

  • The time to review, classify, and consider the validity of the dossier is 01 month from the date of receipt of the dossier;
  • In case the dossier is not valid, the competent state agency shall notify the organization and individual to amend and supplement the dossier.
  • Organizations and individuals have a maximum period of 01 month from the date of receipt of the notice to request the organization or individual to amend and supplement the dossier.
  • Organizations and individuals have a maximum period of 01 month from the date of receipt of the notice to amend and supplement documents, except in the case of force majeure events or objective obstacles as prescribed by law. In case the organization or individual does not amend or supplement the dossier or has amended or supplemented the dossier but the dossier is still invalid, the competent state agency shall return the dossier to the organization or individual;
  • In case the dossier is valid according to regulations, within 15 working days, the competent state agency is responsible for issuing the Copyright Registration Certificate and Related Rights Registration Certificate.

Copyright registration service of Viet An Law Firm

  • Legal advice on procedures and conditions for copyright registration of works, advice on determining the type of work that needs to be registered for the author and owner of the work.
  • Drafting copyright registration documents and submitting them to competent state agencies;
  • Copyright registration representative for customers during the copyright registration process;
  • Monitor the registration and application processing process at the Copyright Office;
  • Exchange and provide information to customers during the copyright registration process.
  • Consulting on arising legal issues and disputes related to copyright;
  • Industrial property representative registers trademarks, inventions, and industrial designs domestically and internationally.

For support with copyright registration services, please contact Viet An Law Firm for the best support.

This article was updated until April 2024. If any legal changes have not been updated, please contact Viet An Law for support.

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