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Issue G1 Online Game License in Vietnam

G1 online game license (G1 video game license): is a type of license issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications to a video game business unit that interacts between many players simultaneously through the game server system of the enterprise.

Accordingly, to be allowed to provide G1 online game services, businesses need to meet certain conditions and must carry out procedures for applying for G1 online game licenses.

G1 Online Game License in Vietnam

Conditions for issuing G1 online game license in Vietnam

  • Being an enterprise established under the provisions of Vietnamese law, having an industry providing online video game services that has been posted on the enterprise’s National Business Registration Portal;
  • Registered domain name used to provide services;
  • Having sufficient financial, technical and personnel capabilities suitable to the scale of operation and as prescribed respectively in Articles 32a and 32b of Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 27/2018/ND-CP dated March 01st 2018;
  • Technical conditions specified in Clause 1, Article 32 of Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP, Decree No. 27/2018/ND-CP dated March 01st 2018 are construed as follows: The system of equipment providing video game services for all games of the enterprise must meet the conditions of storage capacity, fully update players’ personal information as prescribed in Article 6 of Circular 24/2014/TT-BTTTT;
  • The payment management system for electronic games of enterprises must be located in Vietnam and connected with Vietnamese payment support service providers, ensuring accurate and complete updates and stores and allowing players to look up detailed information about their payment accounts;
  • Manage player play time from 00h00 to 24h00 daily and ensure that the total usage time of all G1 video games of a business for each player under the age of 18 does not exceed 180 minutes in 24 hours per day;
  • Display the results of classification of video games by age for all games provided by businesses when introducing, advertising games, providing video game services; There is a warning information with the content “Playing more than 180 minutes a day will adversely affect health” in a recognizable place in the forum of the game and on the screen of the player’s device during the game.
  • There is a plan to ensure service quality, ensure the interests of players.
  • Take technical and professional measures to manage game forum content (if any), comply with the provisions of Circular No. 09/2014/TT-BTTTT dated August 19, 8 of the Ministry of Information and Communications detailing the management, supply and use of information on websites and social networks.
  • There is a backup plan for equipment and connection, a data backup plan to ensure system safety when problems occur.
  • There is a plan to ensure the safety and security of information and confidentiality of players’ personal information.
  • Take measures to ensure information security and information security.

Information customers need to provide to carry out procedures for issuing G1 online game license

STT Document name Amount Notes
1 Certificate of Business Registration 02 Copy


Domain name registration certificate or domain name supply contract or domain name exclusivity commitment if the domain name is international. 02 Copy


Equipment colocation lease agreement 02 Copy


Curriculum vitae of the person responsible for managing the provision of video game services 01 Certified by state agencies


Information on the number of employees of the company Customers provide information about Viet An Law to assist in drafting schemes




Game service payment options
7 List of payment support partners
8 Diagram describing the technical system for providing video game services.

G1 Online Game License Application in Vietnam

  • Application for a permit (form).
  • A valid copy includes a copy issued from the original book or a certified copy or a copy compared to the original of the Certificate of Business Registration or Investment Registration Certificate (or a valid copy of the Certificate or other valid equivalent license issued before the effective date of the Law on Investment No. 67/2014/QH13 and the Law on Enterprises No. 68/2014/QH13);
  • The G1 video game service provision scheme includes the following main contents:
  • Service provision plans, financial capacity, organization, personnel and techniques for service provision ensure that the prescribed conditions are met;
  • The overall diagram of the service-providing equipment system, the location of the service-providing equipment system;
  • Describe in detail the equipment system providing both Main and Backup Parts including: Name, function, expected configuration of each device;
  • Detailed information on the method and scope of service provision; plans for connection to the Internet and telecommunications networks (business name, domain name, IP address, connection channel capacity, game distribution channel);
  • Detailed description of the game payment system and plans to connect with enterprises providing payment support services in Vietnam (business name, connection form, rights and responsibilities of the parties);
  • Plan to ensure service quality, ensure the interests of players;
  • Detailed description of the equipment system (Hardware, Software) monitoring the operation of the service delivery system; data backup plan and backup plan for equipment and connection; processes of operation, exploitation, provision and use of services; plan to ensure the confidentiality and security of players’ personal information;
  • Detailed description of the equipment system (Hardware, Software) to ensure information safety and security, ensure the confidentiality of personal information of players; regulations on coordination with competent agencies in ensuring information safety and security”.

G1 Online Game License Issuance Procedure in Vietnam

The procedure for issuing G1 Online Game License follows the following specific steps:

Step 1: Enterprises prepare licensing documents

Enterprises prepare 01 original dossier to apply for a license to provide G1 video game services according to the above regulations and instructions.

Step 2: Apply for licensing

After preparing the dossier, the enterprise shall submit 01 original set of license dossier to the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information) in one of the following forms:

  • Submit directly to the Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information – Ministry of Information and Communications address at 9th floor, building 115 Tran Duy Hung, Cau Giay, Hanoi.
  • Submit by mail;
  • Over the internet through online accounts and electronic digital signatures.

Step 3: Appraisal of G1 online game license dossier

The Video Game Appraisal Advisory Council established and operating under the Decision of the Minister of Information and Communications will appraise the enterprise’s G1 online game license dossier, the appraisal contents include:

  • G1 online game content;
  • G1 online game script;
  • Technical plan for providing G1 video game services.

The video game appraisal advisory council is responsible for carrying out the consultancy and appraisal work: strictly, objectively, ensuring the interests of enterprises and complying with the provisions of law.

Step 4: The Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information (Ministry of Information and Communications) issues G1 License or refuses

  • Within 30 (thirty) working days after receiving a valid dossier, the Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information shall appraise the dossier and submit it to the Minister of Information and Communications for consideration and issue a license to provide G1 video game services.
  • In case of refusal to issue a license, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue a written reply clearly stating the reasons for refusal.

Step 5: Licensed enterprises make announcements about the official time of providing G1 game services

  • 10 (ten) working days before officially providing services, enterprises must send a specific notice of the official time of service provision to the Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information – Ministry of Information and Communications.
  • Department of Information and Communications in the locality where the enterprise registers its head office and where the enterprise has a system of equipment to provide services; Notify server rental service providers, server colocation rental enterprises, telecommunications enterprises, Internet service providers, enterprises providing payment support services in video games.
  • Upon receipt of the notice, the receiving agency shall send a receipt to the enterprise within 7 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of the notice.

Step 6: Make a report on the activities of G1 online game business

Periodic reporting:

  • Reporting deadline: Video game service providers implement the periodic reporting regime every 6 (six) months (on June 1 and December 1 every year).
  • Agency receiving the report: Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information, Department of Information and Communications of the locality where the enterprise registers its headquarters

Ad hoc reports:

G1 online game businesses are responsible for making irregular reports at the request of competent state management agencies.

Modify, supplement, renew, reissue G1 online game license in Vietnam

Modification and supplementation of G1 online game license

Deadline for submitting amended and supplemented dossiers

Enterprises shall carry out procedures for application for amendment and supplementation of contents of G1 video game service provision license within 10 days from the date of change of the following contents:

  • Change the business name;
  • Change the name of the legal representative of the enterprise.

Enterprises can simultaneously carry out procedures for applying for modification and supplementation of licenses with procedures for requesting amendments and supplements to decisions approving G1 video game contents and scripts already issued.

A dossier of application for modification and supplementation of the content of the G1 online game license includes the following documents:

  • A written request to amend and supplement the contents of the G1 video game service provision license, clearly stating the contents and reasons for needing to be amended and supplemented;
  • Documents and documents evidencing the reasons for need to be amended or supplemented.

Application form:

  • Direct submission;
  • Submit by mail;
  • Over the Internet.

Procedures for amending and supplementing G1 online game license

  • The enterprise submits 01 original dossier requesting amendment and supplementation of the content of the license to provide G1 video game services to the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information).
  • Within 10 working days after receiving a valid dossier, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall consider issuing an amended and supplemented license. In case of refusal to issue a license, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue a written reply clearly stating the reason. The term of the amended or supplemented license is the remaining term of the old license.
  • Within 05 working days, before changing the address of the head office, transaction office, server location or lease address, the enterprise is not required to carry out procedures for amending and supplementing the license for providing G1 video game services but must notify in writing to the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, television and electronic information) and the Department of Information and Communications in the locality where the enterprise is registered. The content of the notification includes: Business name; license number for providing G1 video game services online; what’s changed.
  • Upon receipt of the notice, the receiving agency shall send a certificate to the enterprise within 07 working days from the date of receipt of the notice.

Reissue G1 online game license in Vietnam

Cases to reissue G1 online game license:

The damaged or damaged license is no longer usable.

Procedure for reissuance of G1 online game license:

  • In case the license for providing G1 video game services is lost or damaged and can no longer be used, the enterprise shall send an application for reissuance of the license to the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information) in one of the following forms: Submit in person, by post or via the Internet;
  • An application for reissuance of a license to provide G1 video game services includes: Name and address of the enterprise; number, place of issue, date of issuance of the enterprise registration certificate; number, date of issue, effective date of the issued license; reasons for applying for reissuance of licenses; commitment of the enterprise on the contents declared in the application;
  • Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of a valid application, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall consider reisssuing the license to the enterprise. In case of refusal, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue a written reply, clearly stating the reasons for refusal.

G1 online game extension in Vietnam

  • Before the license expires but the enterprise cannot complete the procedures for reissuance, it must carry out renewal procedures if the enterprise still needs to continue operating. Each license can only be renewed 01 time, each time not exceeding 01 year;
  • The enterprise shall send an application for license extension and a copy of the license to be renewed to the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information) in one of the following forms: Submit in person, submit by post or via the Internet;
  • The contents of an application for license extension include: Name and address of the enterprise; number, place of issue, date of issuance of the enterprise registration certificate; number, date of issue, effective date of the issued license; reasons for applying for license renewal; commitment of the enterprise on the contents declared in the application;
  • Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of a valid application for license extension, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall consider and decide on license extension for the enterprise. In case of refusal, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue a written reply, clearly stating the reasons for refusal.

Some related questions

What is G1 online game license?

G1 online game license (G1 video game license): is a type of license issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications to a video game business unit that interacts between many players simultaneously through the game server system of the enterprise.

After issuing the G1 Online Game License, how long does it take to conduct service business?

After 06 (six) months from the date of issuance of the license, if the enterprise fails to actually implement the provision of services, the license will automatically expire.

How long is the G1 online game license valid?

Not exceeding 10 years, each license may be renewed 01 time and each time not exceeding 01 year.

When does the G1 online game license expire?

Although the G1 online game license is valid for 10 years, the license may no longer be valid when:

  • The license to provide G1 video game services is no longer valid when the enterprise is dissolved, goes bankrupt or after 06 (six) months from the effective date of the license, but the enterprise does not actually implement the provision of services.
  • The license to provide G1 video game services is no longer valid, revoked, or the enterprise changes the newly licensed content or reissued.

G1 online game license service of Viet An Law Firm

In the process of providing G1 online game license application services for clients, Viet An Law Firm conducts the following tasks:

  • Advising on issues related to the registration of G1 online game service;
  • Guide customers to prepare documents for applying for G1 online game license;
  • Prepare documents and documents necessary for the registration of G1 online game service;
  • Apply on behalf of the client at the licensing authority;
  • On behalf of the client, discuss with the specialist in charge of the dossier in case the dossier needs to be amended or supplemented;
  • Receive the results on behalf of the client and hand it over to the client;

Customers in need please immediately contact the lawyers of Viet An Law Firm for advice and provide services to apply for G1 Online Game License.

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Hanoi Head-office

#3rd Floor, 125 Hoang Ngan, Hoang Ngan Plaza, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam


Ho Chi Minh city office

Room 04.68 vs 04.70, 4th Floor, River Gate Residence, 151 – 155 Ben Van Don Street, District 4, HCM, Viet Nam



English speaking: (+84) 9 61 57 18 18 - Lawyer Dong Van Thuc ( Alex) (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)

Vietnamese speaking: (+84) 9 61 37 18 18 - Dr. Lawyer Do Thi Thu Ha (Zalo, Viber, Whatsapp)