(+84) 9 61 67 55 66


Viet An Law Firm provides the latest news related to business law, commercial law, laws related to civil cases, criminal cases, administrative cases. Interntional lagal news related to international trade and business law.

Legal News in Vietnam


Establish online shopping website in Vietnam

Establish online shopping website in Vietnam

Currently, purchasing goods online has become popular to many customers and directly competes with traditional commerce. Competing prices and diverse
Business suspension in Vietnam

Business suspension in Vietnam

When the operation of an enterprise has to face so many problems and difficulties that it can not continue to run on, business suspension is a consideration
Promotional activities in Vietnam

Promotional activities in Vietnam

During commercial activities, promotion is considered as a tool attracting customers and increase sales and revenues and bring more benefits to the company
Announcing business registration information

Announcing business registration information

According to Vietnam Law on Enterprise 2014 and its guidelines, the enterprise must make an announcement on the National Business Registration Portal
Korean Investment in Vietnam

Korean Investment in Vietnam

Take advantages of Korean culture: We can say that Korean culture has a great influence on Asia as well as Vietnam. This is considered as a success of Korea
Foreign investment in vietnam’s advertising company

Foreign investment in vietnam’s advertising company

Because of the development of business, the demand for advertisement is substantially inceasing. That is the reason why there are so many advertising companies operating in Vietnam and foreign investors…
Regulations on avoidance of double taxation between Vietnam and ASEAN

Regulations on avoidance of double taxation between Vietnam and ASEAN

Double taxation is a term referred to levying of taxes on the same income of a taxpayer in two different countries or above. This is a common issue many individuals…


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